It's been less than a year since the terrible and dangerous Dobbs decision, and we're already facing a crisis in the United States as abortion continues to be criminalized.

13 states have now banned abortion with few exceptions. Many more are in the process of doing so, with 37 more bills proposed in state legislatures across the nation. In some areas, people must now travel hundreds, if not thousands, of miles to receive abortion care.

The majority of Americans oppose abortion bans, but Republicans are determined to circumvent the will of the people. We must fight back. Chip in now and help grow the strong pro-choice movement to elect champions for reproductive rights!

These abortion restrictions are dangerous.

In most states with bans, doctors must jump through many hoops to perform abortions – assuming there is an exception. In Tennessee doctors who perform an abortion must prove afterward why it was necessary or be charged with a felony. So, of course, they are extremely wary of making that decision and are forced to put lives in danger daily.

But it gets worse. In South Carolina, Republicans have proposed the death penalty for anyone who purposely causes a miscarriage or abortion. It is near impossible to distinguish between a purposeful pregnancy termination and a natural one. If passed, this horrific legislation would put millions of lives at risk.

Idaho has already lost nearly half of its OBGYNS because of its extreme abortion bans. One rural hospital was forced to close a birth center because they had no doctors left. Residents of Idaho are now being denied not only abortion care but other essential health care as well.

Republicans in many states are determined to prevent abortion rights from making it to the ballot. They know that people not only support abortion rights, but will also come out in droves to vote. It's undemocratic.

We outnumber anti-choice Republicans. Now we must stand up and fight for our reproductive rights and those of generations to come. Chip in before the end of March and join the ever-growing movement for reproductive freedom.

In Congress, I am fighting for the right to access abortion care. Please join me. Together we will win.

With appreciation,


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