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Hi friend,

Did you see the email I sent last week?

There are three days to go until the energy bill support scheme ends, leaving many families around the UK at risk of fuel poverty.

That's why we have joined the Warm This Winter national mass lobby, to demand our MPs take action.
Find out more and get involved
It's not too late to get involved, whether it is joining a lobby or just sharing with friends and family. For more information, see the email below.

In solidarity,
Eva Watkinson
Debt Justice Campaigner
Dear friend,

Our energy bills have almost doubled since this time last year, and it’s forcing people into debt. Right now, millions of people have energy debt and arrears totaling a record £2.5 billion.

And from the beginning of next month, the energy bill support scheme is set to end, which could mean bills go up again.

That’s why we’ve joined up with the Warm This Winter campaign who are organising a mass lobby. Thousands of people across the country will be calling on their MPs to take action.   
Find out more

On 1 April, all across the UK, people like you are going to meet with their MPs to demand action on energy debt and for prices to come down for good.

There might already be an event organised where you live, find out by checking this map.

If you’ve not done this before, don’t worry, you’ll be supported every step of the way, and you’ll be with people in the same boat. All you need to do is tell your MP why you think it’s so unfair that people have been forced into debt while the energy companies make billions in profit.

Find out more by clicking on the link below.  

Sign me up

Together we can make sure our bills don’t go up again, we can take back power, but only if we take action together.

In solidarity,  

Eva, Matt, Heidi and the whole team at Debt Justice.  

Copyright © 2023 Debt Justice, All rights reserved.  You received this email because you signed up for information about Debt Justice (formerly Jubilee Debt Campaign) by email, either via our website, while signing a campaign petition or postcard, or at an event. 
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