For more information, contact:
Pat Garrett | WILL Communications Director
Ameillia Wedward | WILL Communications Associate
[email protected] | (414) 303-9884
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This federal government agency is picking winners and losers based on race...
The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) just filed its 8th lawsuit against the Biden Administration. We are taking on the newest federal agency—the Minority Business Development Agency.

For the first time ever, the federal government has created an agency to help some businesses, but not otherspurely on the basis of race. We are standing up to this blatant race discrimination. Our lawsuit alleges that the new agency violates the Equal Protection Doctrine, which guarantees that all individuals must be treated equally, without regard to race.

Stand with WILL as we take on the Biden Administration’s “Equity” Agenda head on… CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT WILL’s EFFORTS TODAY.
 “Like other small business owners, I'm working hard every day to expand my business and serve my clients. I just wish the Biden Administration would help all businesses in this difficult and uncertain economy, not just some based on race." - WILL Client, Jeff Nuziard
WILL, through its Equality Under the Law Project, has taken aim at several programs at the heart of Biden’s Racial Equity Agenda. WILL previously sued the Biden Administration for its Farmer Loan-Forgiveness program, which cancelled certain farm loans based on race, and the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, which provided COVID benefits to certain restaurants with a racial preference. WILL obtained the first nationwide injunctions against both of those programs.

To date, WILL’s Equality Under the Law Project has represented 47 clients in 18 states—without charging these clients a dime. We couldn’t do this without your support. Please consider contributing to WILL today.
The work we do would not be possible without the generosity of our donors; we are a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization that receives no public funds. As a non-profit and non-partisan organization, we litigate in the areas of equality under the law, property rights, the freedom to earn a living, voting rights, regulation, taxation, school choice, and religious freedom. As an educational organization, we strive to advance the debate concerning law and public policy in these and other areas.