John, I am a staunch supporter of our law enforcement officers, are you?

America’s police have been under intense pressure these past few years: facing off against the defund-the-police movement, braving Biden’s violent-crime crisis, and losing billions in budget cuts from the Left.

Here in TX-24, our police are the ones facing off against violent criminals and stemming the flow of fentanyl into our cities. They do so much to keep us safe – risking their lives and putting their sworn duties ahead of their own safety.
Millions of Americans believed the lies from the Radical Left when they demonized our police, and as a result, our officers have paid the price…

They’ve been facing more violent crimes and more shootings, but the escalating violence hasn’t stopped our police from engaging with communities, protecting innocent Americans, and upholding our laws!

John, protecting our families and communities should be the priority of every elected official, and you can support my efforts to do so by BACKING THE BLUE!
For America's Police,
Beth Van Duyne