Did you know that emergency SNAP benefits have ended?

Dear John,

At the start of March, emergency SNAP benefits ended. The families we see every day at the Hunger Resource Center (HRC) have relied heavily on these extra dollars to put food on the table and purchase other essential items. We’re calling upon all of our community to get involved if you are able.

Seniors will lose an average of $168 per month. Families with children will lose an average of $223. That is why I am reaching out today.

Families like Marta’s are scrambling. SNAP helped feed her family. It also freed up money, in an already tight budget, to purchase essential items like medicine, shoes (for her growing kids), and gas.

You’ve seen the news. You’ve shopped for groceries. Food is expensive and the cost is only going up. With fewer dollars every month, we expect to see more families turning to the HRC. And the shelves are nearly bare.

Here are three ways to get involved:

1) Pick up a few extra items at the grocery store to help feed the next family that walks through our doors. Drop-off at these locations starting Thursday.

2) Start a food drive with your friends, neighbors, and/or colleagues. Here’s a list of high need items to collect over the next few weeks.

3) Send your most generous gift today.

Together, we can help our neighbors facing hunger.

With gratitude,

Kathleen McMahon
Kathleen McMahon

Kathleen McMahon
Executive Vice President, Development and Communications

10455 White Granite Dr., Suite 100, Oakton, VA 22124