Dear John,

Our Virtual Lobby Days are less than a week away! Join us on Zoom for a couple hours on March 21st and a couple more on your day of lobby meetings. 

In the coming days, we will send out links and more information to those who RSVP. This is your last chance to sign up, so if you can make it, please RSVP today!

Thank you, and I hope to see you there!


Britney VanCitters

OLCV Organizing Manager

Dear John,

We have just two weeks until the start of virtual lobby days for the environment! And it comes at an important time in the legislative session. With an important bill deadline approaching, we need your help to ensure this year’s biggest environmental priorities don’t die in committee, and the anti-environment bills don’t gain traction.

Can you join us for OLCV/OCN 2023 Virtual Lobby Days?

All it takes is a couple hours of your time on March 21st and a couple more on your day of lobby meetings. All of it done over Zoom. All of it adding up to a big virtual splash for the environment!

OLCV/OCN Virtual Lobby Days – March 21st to 23rd
The Virtual Clean Green Lobby Machine Returns (via Zoom) to Support 2023 Priorities for a Healthy Oregon
Tuesday, March 21st, from 6pm-8pm – Priority Presentations & Training (all participants)
Wednesday, March 22nd, hold from 9am-5pm – Lobby Meetings for SDs 1-16
Thursday, March 23rd, hold from 9am-5pm – Lobby Meetings for SDs 17-30
You can look up your senate district (SD) here
Place: Entirely on Zoom (links sent to RSVPs a few days prior)
RSVP today!

On March 21st, we will do a training that covers all the official Priorities for a Healthy Oregon, which are Resilient, Efficient Buildings Bill Package; Toxic-Free Bill Package; Factory Farm Moratorium; Zero Waste Bill Package; Natural Climate Solutions; and the budget. Then, on either March 22nd or 23rd, you will get to meet with your state representative and senator to ask for their support on these important bills!

What makes our environmental lobby days fun, powerful, and rewarding is people like you. So, I hope you will RSVP today and join us in just two weeks!

Thank you,

Britney VanCitters

OLCV Organizing Manager

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 Paid for by Oregon League of Conservation Voters.