From Chip Roy <[email protected]>
Subject Ron DeSantis for President of the United States
Date March 15, 2023 4:11 PM
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The next President of the United States must be a vibrant and energetic leader with the faith, vision, and courage to chart a new course.

Ron DeSantis for President of the United States
Dear Fellow Conservative,

The next President of the United States must be a vibrant and energetic leader with the faith, vision, and courage to chart a new course. America needs a leader who will truly defend her and empower the people against the destructive force of unrestrained government and corporate excess, profligate spending, and woke cultural indoctrination.

That leader is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Governor DeSantis is a man of conviction — a man who puts his faith in God first as a dedicated husband and father. He grew up a blue collar kid who worked hard, got a great education, and used it immediately to serve his country. He loves America unapologetically but loves freedom and the rule of law even more, with the courage to fight for both.

As Governor, he unequivocally has made Florida stronger and freer. Economic growth and prosperity in Florida surged upon his firm rejection of the devastating COVID mandates foisted upon us by foolishly empowered Washington bureaucrats. He stared down woke corporate America and higher education. And he stood with Texas in defense of our border – sending a message to elites in Martha’s Vineyard that they cannot ignore the human and economic toll of open borders.

His style of no-nonsense government and fearless rejection of woke “conventional wisdom” has demonstrated an appeal to all of us based on our shared values as Americans. He strives to unite us again as one people under the banner of freedom and equal opportunity – with the courage to stand athwart the destructive divisiveness of identity politics or the temptation to pander.

But he has also proven his ability to win at the ballot box time and time again. When other Republicans were faltering in key races, Governor DeSantis provided a positive vision for the future with prudent, conservative action. The result was crystal clear: Republicans enjoyed sweeping, historic performances statewide.

Perhaps most of all, Governor DeSantis makes clear he would lead our nation as commander in chief with the kind of resolve and sober strength that produces peace through strength. A veteran himself, he recognizes that a military is best when it is strong, non-politically correct, and lethal – while being sparingly but decisively used and not mired in endless, protracted military engagements all around the globe.

America has been built upon and defined by the sacrifices of one generation for the next. When Republicans choose our 2024 presidential nominee — whom I intend to support against Joe Biden or any other Democrat candidate — I believe it’s time for a new generation of leadership. It’s time for younger, but proven, leadership to offer America eight solid years of transformational change.

It’s time for Ron DeSantis to be President of the United States.

For Texas,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21

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