Let us explain why we ALL need to pitch in and help Judge Janet
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John, in a moment, we’re going to ask you to consider supporting a candidate for Wisconsin Supreme Court, but first, we wanted to explain why this race matters to everyone across the country, not just people in Wisconsin.

POLITICO called this race "the most important election nobody’s ever heard of," and it matters for anyone who wants to protect abortion rights and stop far-right extremists from overturning our elections.

Judge Janet Protasiewicz became the official Democratic Nominee for a 10-year team on the WI Supreme Court tied 3-3 between conservatives and progressives. Wisconsin's Supreme Court barely accepted the results of the 2020 election, and if Judge Janet's opponent were on the bench, they would've undemocratically handed this swing state to Donald Trump.

We don’t need to tell you that in 2024, Republicans could try the same bogus claims of election fraud all across the country to get a fair election overturned.

John, we can’t let Dan Kelly, Judge Janet’s MAGA extremist opponent, be the one to decide the 2024 presidential election. Can you split a donation of whatever you're able between the Democratic Party of Georgia and Judge Janet’s campaign to secure democracy in Wisconsin and across the US?

We can't let the swing vote in a swing state fall to a far-right extremist.

John, even if you don't live in Wisconsin, it's clear why we have to help Judge Janet: the road to the White House goes through swing states like Wisconsin and Georgia, and we need a pro-democracy voice on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

We need you to join her grassroots coalition – will you split a contribution between the Democratic Party of Georgia and Judge Janet today? Even just $15 would go a long way to protecting democracy in a crucial swing state.

Thank you for supporting this critical 2023 election – together, we can defeat mega-billionaires and defend democracy.

The Democratic Party of Georgia

Paid for by the Democratic Party of Georgia. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. www.georgiademocrat.org
Democratic Party of Georgia
P.O. BOX 89202
Atlanta, GA 30312
United States
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