I'm launching an exploratory campaign for Attorney General of Missouri.

Two Big Goals

For us to start a real campaign, we need to hit TWO BIG GOALS by March 31: Raise $25,000 and recruit 50 volunteers.
Can you help us get there?

You deserve better.

For too long, Missouri hasn't had a real Attorney General. Instead, we've had politicians playing the role on TV and doing little for the people of our state.

Our Attorney General spends our money keeping innocent people behind bars, suing public schools, and defending unconstitutional laws passed by a bought legislature that prevent law enforcement officers from stopping violent crime.

We need an Attorney General who wants to fix our justice system, who will aggressively go after scam callers and texters, who will prosecute corruption in our state, who will protect our families, who believes in government transparency, and who will end Missouri's reign as the puppy mill capital of the country.

I've spent years defending Missourians' rights against our broken government, including in litigation against the past few big-talking, little-doing Attorneys General. Imagine what Missouri could get done with a real Attorney General.

To launch a campaign, we have to hit our fundraising and volunteer goals by March 31. I believe Missourians deserve better, but I also know that no one can do this alone.

Are you with me?

I'm with Elad!
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Paid for by Elad Gross For Missouri
Fredrick Doss, Treasurer

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