Republicans are playing political games with Phil Washington’s nomination.

Hey folks —

A few weeks ago, hundreds of folks like you signed on to our petition urging the Senate to confirm Phil Washington, President Biden’s nominee to lead the Federal Aviation Administration.

As I’m sure you know, Phil is highly qualified. He currently oversees Denver International Airport – the third busiest airport on the planet – and served for 24 years as a U.S. Army command sergeant major. He’s no doubt the man for the job.

I wish I were coming to you with an exciting update today. But Senate Republicans are continuing to play political games with Mr. Washington’s nomination — making irrelevant attacks on his qualifications and stalling the process over and over again.

Meanwhile, the top position at the nation's largest transportation agency remains vacant – and American travelers are being left to deal with the mess.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: Americans deserve better than this. If you agree, add your name to our petition calling on Senate Republicans to end their political games and confirm Phil Washington immediately.

Thanks for speaking up with us.

— John