
After years of ridiculous mask mandates, the truth has finally come out. Biden and his allies pushed masks onto the faces of millions of Americans despite overwhelming evidence against them. They claimed masks were effective in stopping the spread, but we have since learned the truth!

Millions of Americans trusted Biden and Fauci’s advice they wasted no time spreading misinformation and took advantage of America’s fear to keep us masked up for YEARS.
The latest report from Cochrane, the gold standard in medical research, showed NO difference between infection rates in states with or without mask mandates. Meaning Fauci didn’t care about the truth, he only cared about inflicting control over the American people. . .including small children.

Now that the truth has finally come out – I’m fighting to hold them accountable for pushing fraudulent, big-government “science” on the American people.
We deserve better than lies from our leaders, and while I work with my colleagues in the House to bring them to justice - I need you to pitch to the fight for TRANSPARENCY!
Fighting for the truth,
Beth Van Duyne