

Earlier this week, we shared that standing vigil in bad weather is a powerful witness that saves even more lives than when the weather is nice.

40 Days for Life vigil participants in Vista, California, received firsthand confirmation when their prayers saved a baby in the middle of a rainstorm.

"The winds were extreme on Wednesday, and the rains poured heavily while we were there," reported Joanne, the Vista campaign leader. "There was a couple that came 10 minutes late for their appointment, and Planned Parenthood refused services."

As the couple left the abortion facility, they confirmed that they would keep their baby!


The baby and family spared from abortion were the rainbow after the literal storm!

"Afterwards, the rain stopped, and a few of us took this happy picture," Joanne said.


Upland, California

This is a first! Prayer warriors reported hosting a campaign rally during a snowstorm... Southern California!

Attendees were shivering--but they prayed through it!


Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

The temperature in Oklahoma City dropped down to 25 degrees Fahrenheit--and that's before accounting for a brisk north wind.

"Here is a picture of hardy souls praying in front of Planned Parenthood," reported Mike, the campaign leader. "Our group prayed to end abortion and close this facility for good."

They're heading in the right direction. Mike said that traffic to the Planned Parenthood facility where he prays is significantly lower than usual.


Green Bay, Wisconsin

The hearty prayer warriors of Green Bay, Wisconsin, have been hosting a 24/7 spring 40 Days for Life campaign since 2009...

...though Jim, the longtime leader, is quick to put the word "spring" in quotation marks. Even after nearly a decade and a half of around-the-clock Lenten vigils, Jim said Green Bay vigil participants have never seen an Ash Wednesday storm like the one they faced this year.

Eight inches of snow came down, so the men who cover the vigil's middle-of-the-night hours took turns shoveling the sidewalk to keep it clear for their fellow participants--and the general community.

They didn't even complain when the snowplow ruined their work. "This is why we're winning and why we will win," Jim said. "When the snowplow of cultural decay seems to cover up our work, we set to clearing the way for the moms and babies."


I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

--Psalm 27:13

Heavenly Father, keep our eyes firmly fixed on the good work You’re doing in us and want to do through us. Help us proclaim the good news of the Lord Jesus in partnership with Your Holy Spirit. Grant me the discernment to avoid the things meant to distract me from faithfully fulfilling Your call to champion the gift of life. All honor and glory to You, the giver of life. Amen.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316