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March 1st, 2023: Weekly Newsletter


Update on the ATF's Gun Registry

Our most fundamental right is under attack by the Biden administration.


That's why this week, I reintroduced the No REGISTRY (No Retaining Every Gun in a System That Restricts Your) Rights Act. I introduced this bill after my investigation revealed that the ATF had a database of nearly 1 billion firearm transaction records. This sounded the alarm that the Biden administration could be laying the groundwork for a federal firearms registry. 


To prevent this infringement of our Second Amendment Rights, the No REGISTRY Rights Act would require the ATF to delete this database and require FFLs (federal firearms licensees) to destroy them once they go out of business.


You’re probably wondering why I believe that a federal firearms registry is in the works. Under current law, FFLs are required to preserve firearm transaction records and transfer them to the ATF once they shutter their doors. Up until President Biden assumed office, federal firearms licensees (FFLs) could dispose of firearm transaction records after 20 years. However, the Biden administration is requiring FFLs to preserve all firearm transaction records — even those over 20 years old. 

Additionally, the ATF recently published its “zero-tolerance” guidance that would enable the agency to revoke an FFL’s license for one mistake instead of a history of willful disregard for firearms law — the logical norm that has been in place for decades. The ATF seems to be pushing firearms sellers out of business in an effort to grow their database. 


A federal firearm registry is explicitly prohibited by law, and this cannot stand.


Promoting Fiscal Responsibility

The self-inflicted inflation crisis we are experiencing right now was the predictable outcome of an out-of-control federal budget and wasteful spending. 


Because of this, I reintroduced the Federal Agency Sunset Commission Act last week. One of the reasons Washington continues to mortgage the future of America, and why we are $31 trillion in debt, is the enormous size and scope of the federal government that remains unchecked. Many programs are enacted to address an urgent issue but eventually outlive their usefulness. Others launch with the best of intentions but do not accomplish desired outcomes. 


Despite this, many agencies and programs are not authorized by Congress but continue to get money. The State Department, for example, has not been reauthorized since 2003. The State Department is simply one of over 1,000 individual line items in the federal budget which are not currently authorized by Congress.


The Federal Agency Sunset Commission Act would create a bipartisan Sunset Commission.  This commission would create a Schedule for Review of all federal agencies over a 12 year period, which would be adopted by Congress. The Commission would then provide recommendations on whether agencies scheduled for review should be consolidated, continued, or abolished.  Congress can then choose to vote on the Commission’s recommendations. If Congress chooses not to take a vote on the Commissions’ recommendation for an agency, the agency would eventually be abolished.


This is an idea that has worked in Texas. Texas' Sunset Commission has led to 41 abolished agencies, another 51 consolidated agencies, and has produced an estimated positive fiscal impact of $1 billion, returning $19 for every $1 spent on the commission. We owe a duty to today’s taxpayers, as well as future generations, to spend their money wisely.


Political Games Over National Security?

I joined Fox News last week to discuss the crisis at the border. Of all the issues that have become so partisan recently, our national security should not be one. Unfortunately, the left has a habit of refusing to engage in debates if they can't control the narrative. 


Under the Biden/Mayorkas regime, the border has become an unmitigated disaster. Only a few years ago, under the Trump administration, the entire federal government was at DEFCON 1 — and rightfully so — over 1,500 unaccompanied children that we could not immediately account for. However, the Biden administration has lost track of 20,000 children, and the left is silent. The Biden Justice Department labels parents concerned about school curriculum as domestic terrorists, yet there is no mention of the extraordinary uptick in foreign terrorists crossing the border. Now that House Republicans are holding a hearing on the border, the Democrats are boycotting in favor of their own hearing where they can once again control the narrative.


Their willingness to play politics with the border crisis is concerning, but not nearly as disturbing as the reality of the situation on the ground in South Texas.

Last week while traveling the district, I met with Goliad Sheriff Roy Boyd, who shared this picture of a 5-year-old girl stuffed into the trunk of a car by human smugglers. This child was not one of the children the Biden administration lost. Instead, she was one of the thousands left in the hands of the cartels who treated her as cargo. The policies of the Biden/Mayorkas regime have created the perfect atmosphere for criminal activity and human smuggling to thrive. We must begin official impeachment proceedings against Mayorkas as soon as possible and make a return to legitimate border enforcement policies.


Celebrating Our Bond with Israel

Last week, I participated in the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast that was held in Houston. Israel is a key ally in the Middle East, and it is in our national security interest to maintain Israel as a strong ally and partner. Bad actors such as Iran — a close ally of China and Russia — seek to destroy Israeli independence, and we cannot stand by as this happens.

A strong America promotes peace abroad, which is exactly what we saw with the Abraham Accords under President Trump’s watch. Yet, as tensions continue to flare between the Israelis and foreign-backed terrorists, the Biden administration is still determined to lift sanctions on Iran and revive the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal, despite the fact that Iran has begun enriching near weapons-grade uranium. This Obama-era deal, which President Trump withdrew the U.S. from, gave the Iranian regime billions of dollars. Iran used these funds to finance terrorism across the Middle East, including in Israel. 

In addition to national security, Israel serves as a key strategic economic partner, and we share a heritage upon which rests the ideals of a society governed by the rule of law. I pray for the safety of the Israeli people and for peace in the Middle East.


Other News:

  • Recently, I led an inquiry along with Senator Lankford (R-OK) into the FBI requesting additional information on the controversial advisory circulated from the FBI’s Richmond office warning against “Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology.” Targeting Catholic groups (or any religious groups for that matter) on the basis of their beliefs is totally unacceptable.
  • This week the House voted on  H.R. 347, the Reduce Exacerbated Inflation Negatively Impacting the Nation Act (REIN IN Act). I offered several amendments, including one to require the Office of Management and Budget to include the inflationary impacts on servicing the debt in their estimates. My amendment was adopted for inclusion in the REIN IN Act, which passed the House. 





God Bless,


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Rep. Michael Cloud

Member of Congress




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Corpus Christi Office:
555 N Carancahua St. Tower II
Suite 980
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: (361) 884-2222

Victoria Office:
111 N. Glass St. Suite 102
Victoria, TX 77901
Phone: (361) 894-6446

Washington D.C. Office: 
171 Cannon HOB

Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-7742

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