Suzanne frequently says that her constituents don't elect her to get things done only when she is in the majority. Of course, it's easier to pass progressive policies when Democrats are in charge, but she's in Congress to serve Oregonians no matter who the Speaker is.

In our deeply divided Congress, Republicans hold a slim majority. We need leaders like Suzanne who are ready to meet the moment. Leaders who are prepared to stand firm on their principles but still find common ground. Leaders who know that small steps in the right direction are still important steps. Leaders who are focused on getting the job done.

It's almost our end-of-the-month fundraising deadline. Will you donate $3 today and help us meet our February goal?

Already this year, Suzanne has:

→ Led the charge for more affordable child care.

→ Introduced legislation to provide a safety net for student loan borrowers.

→ Worked to reduce student hunger.

→ Co-sponsored a bill to raise teacher pay.

Suzanne is the kind of leader we need. One who shows up again and again, always ready to serve.

Our end-of-the-month fundraising deadline is just a few days away. Can you chip in $3 to help us meet our goal?

With appreciation,

Team Bonamici

Express Donate:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

$5 $15 $25 $50