From Chip Roy <[email protected]>
Subject This is a problem....
Date February 25, 2023 10:56 PM
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Fellow Conservative,

Let's face it -- China is a BIG problem.

They hate freedom. They hate Americans. And they are openly adversarial to our way of life.

Chinese foreign nationals and shell companies beholden to the Chinese Communist Party are purchasing record amounts of real estate in the United States, including right here in Texas.

We CANNOT give them any more control over our land, crops and food supply.

We have to put a stop to this before it gets any worse.

If you agree, stand with us in saying NO to the CCP by chipping in today before our end-of-month deadline ([link removed]) .
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I recently reintroduced historic legislation to ban any entity linked to the Chinese Communist Party from purchasing private or public real estate in Texas or anywhere in the United States.

I’m going to need a broad show of support to send the message that we cannot allow China to buy up any more land in the United States.

It's time to tell China, "NO. SECURE OUR LAND!"

If you agree, pitch in anything you can today. ([link removed])

For Liberty,
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Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21
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