Friday, February 24, 2023                                                          WEBSITE | SHARE ON:  
Foxx Report

The Democrats’ ‘Defund the Police’ movement and soft-on-crime policies have seriously undercut the safety and security of every American. Our nation’s law enforcement officers, the heroes of our communities, have been overwhelmed by rising crime. Last year, nine U.S. cities – Albuquerque, Aurora, Colorado Springs, Little Rock, Milwaukee, Portland, Raleigh, San Antonio, and Tacoma – experienced record homicide rates. Compared to 2020, homicide rates jumped by 13% nationwide last year.

According to the National Fraternal Order of Police, in 2022:

  • 331 police officers were shot in the line of duty.
  • 62 police officers were killed by gunfire.
  • There were 89 ambush-style attacks on police officers.
  • 126 police officers were shot in ambush-style attacks.

House Republicans have already taken action to uphold law and order and to combat soft-on-crime policies that continue to plague our nations cities. Recently, we passed H.J. Res. 26, led by Representative Andrew Clyde (R-GA), to overturn the D.C. City Council’s latest soft-on-crime bill that eliminates mandatory minimums and reduces maximum sentences for criminals in D.C. during a time that the District cannot afford to be lenient on crime. What’s important to note is that the majority of the House Democrat Caucus voted against this resolution and in favor of reducing penalties for criminals in our nation’s capital. Apparently, the idea of holding criminals accountable and preserving both law and order are too much for them to stomach.

Let me be clear, the Republican majority in the People’s House is committed to restoring law and order, supporting the men and women of law enforcement, and opposing all efforts to defund the police. As outlined in our Commitment to America, we are working diligently to protect every American from the scourge of crime that was allowed to fester because of One Party Rule in Washington. We will continue to act upon our commitment, and work diligently to ensure that our nation – and especially our people – remain safe.

Honoring Reverend Graham

Reverend Billy Graham’s legacy deserves to be enshrined within the halls of Congress, and it’s time that his statue finally stands within the U.S. Capitol. I am glad to see that my proposal - one that I have been banging the drum on for years - of replacing Charles Aycock’s statue in the Capitol with a statue honoring Reverend Graham is finally coming to fruition. I was proud to serve as an original cosponsor of H.Con.Res.18, a bipartisan resolution that would expedite the installation of Reverend Graham’s statue. It is high time that we see this endeavor through and honor such a remarkable North Carolinian in the right way. His work left an indelible mark upon the lives of millions across the world – and millions more to come will learn of his monumental deeds.

To learn more on H.Con.Res.18, click here.

My Latest Interview

Recently, I joined Justin Draeger, President and CEO of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, on the Off the Cuff podcast, to discuss my agenda for the 118th Congress as the Chairwoman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. We also discussed my background as an educator and what opportunities there are to enact meaningful change within the education landscape. To listen to our discussion, click here.

Quote of The Week

“Law is order, and good law is good order.”


Have a blessed weekend,

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