
We are making big waves in the 4th district

Last Call for Early Voting!

Early Voting is Almost Over

As many of you know, Virginia has 45 days of early voting. While I wish I could change the law, those are the rules made by the state. If you haven't already, please make sure to head to the polls before early voting is over on February 18.

Tuesday, February 21, is election day, and we need a big showing!

I am counting on Patriots like you to get me across the finish line. If you haven't voted yet, make sure to invite five friends to head to the polls with you and vote for Leon Benjamin.

We have all the momentum we need to win; it's just about getting the conservatives to the polls now.

The numbers are there, but we need to get the word out because this is a special election. 

We have been posting on social media and running non-stop ads to inform voters about election day. It would be greatly appreciated if you could call up your conservative friends and let them know.

However, that's not the only way we are trying to get the word out about the vote! We are still door-knocking and making phone calls. If you can help us get out the vote for election day, please email us at [email protected].

I want to thank you all for helping us get to this point, but the fight isn't over until February 21. We will turn this district Red. If we can just get the Republican vote to turn out, there is no stopping us!

We would also like to invite you again to our Get Out the Vote Rally. Kim Klacik will be our guest speaker, and we NEED our base energized to head to the polls. Click the image for the rally to sign up, or sign up here:


This week we also rolled out an impressive list of endorsements.

Diante Johnson for Black Conservative Federation
Dr. Carol Swain
Congressman Rob Wittman
Carla Spalding

All endorsed our campaign this week.

Follow us on social media for the next slate of endorsements.
Check your voting location by clicking the "Vote Now" button.

All we need is for each of our supporters to bring five friends to the polls with them to vote, and we will win. 

It is crunch time, and we can't do it without you!
Paid for and Authorized by Friends of Leon Benjamin, inc.
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