John, I wanted to make sure that this email was at the top of your inbox tonight. You see, I just got a text from my team, and we're still $3,119 short of our urgent mid-month goal.

With Mitch McConnell just two seats shy of a majority and New York Republicans emboldened like never before, missing goals like this one simply isn't an option. And because I refuse to accept a single penny from corporate PACs, I'm counting on grassroots folks like you to help me make up this gap in the next few hours.

So that's why I'm personally asking one last time: Please will you chip in $5 — anything you can spare helps — to defend our Democratic Senate majority?

Thank you for sticking with me in this fight.

With gratitude,


------- Forwarded message -------
From: Kirsten Gillibrand
Date: Feb. 14, 2023
Subject: let me explain