Here's what that means for Black and Brown voters
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Hi Jack,

We're ecstatic to start the week by sharing some incredibly good news. A bipartisan bill that could expand Medicaid to over 500,000 North Carolinians will be heard in front of the NC House Committee on Health tomorrow. We'll need to work together to make sure it's passed by both the House and Senate, but first let's look at just a few of the ways NC's working class will benefit:

  1. Medicaid expansion will correct the income-coverage gap. Half a million of NC's working poor make too much to qualify for Medicaid under current standards, but not enough to pay for insurance in the marketplace- leaving them in a financially precarious position. 
  2. Their new coverage will provide a major lift in economic mobility. Did you know that up to 62.1% of bankruptcies are due to medical debt? With the passage of Medicaid expansion, countless homes and life savings will stay with families where they'll help establish multigenerational wealth, especially in communities of color. Plus, thousands of small business owners and freelancers will keep more revenue to grow. 
  3. Hospitals in financially strapped communities will have funds to stay open. If passed, Medicaid expansion will provide a desperately needed lifeline where lack of healthcare coverage among the working poor has left medical providers at risk of shutting their doors. 
  4. Healthcare is associated with increased propensity (access and ability) to vote.

You can help us put pressure on the NC House to follow through on Medicaid expansion by signing this petition.

Sign Here

We've saved the best for last, Jack. If we push for Medicaid expansion to pass before a federal deadline expires, NC will get a $1.8 billion signing bonus with no stipulations on how it's spent. Boosts to education and mental health services have been mentioned by the bill's sponsors, and we don't need to tell you how beneficial that would be to the communities of color who feel those issues most deeply.

Potentially passing HB76 through the House Committee on Health tomorrow is only possible thanks to relentless, year-round organizing. All the doors we knock and the conversations we share do more than move people on election day. At the core of NNCP's civic engaement pillar is a mission to make BIPOC communities not only lifelong voters, but formidable wielders of power. With your support, we're teaching them to insist that our elected leaders provide active stewardship of the communities they represent.

There are no limits to what we can achieve together when we empower our neigbors to take an informed, active role in shaping our democracy. If you haven't already, please take a moment to demand that the NC House and Senate close the income-to-coverage gap by providing 500,000 uninsured North Carolinians with affordable healthcare. And if you agree that year-round civic engagement is the cornerstone of a healthy democracy, please help us to continue our work with a small contribution. Just $5 or $10 can make sure we go the distance. 

Sign The Petition



In Gratitude and Solidarity,

Kristen Havlik

Policy Director, New North Carolina Project