News From Congressman Bilirakis
February 12, 2023

Dear Neighbor,

During last week’s State of the Union address, President Biden showed once again that he is painfully out-of-touch with the realities that most Americans are experiencing.  His policies have created one crisis after another.  Over the past two years, hardworking families across this country have continued to pay the cost of his failed Far Left agenda, weakness on the world stage, and reckless government spending.  In a recent poll, a record number of Americans report being worse off financially than before President Biden took office. This aligns with what I am hearing when I speak to constituents in our community.  

Since President Biden took office in January 2021, he and House Democrats have increased our 10-year spending trajectory by $10 trillion.  This includes ramming through their $2 trillion so-called "American Rescue Plan" that ignited the highest spike in consumer prices in forty years, including billions lost to fraud due to Democrats’ rejection of Republican safeguards and billions in inflationary waste and abuse.  Here are just a few of the many egregious examples of wasteful spending under Biden:

  • $783 million worth of checks to federal prisoners
  •  $1400 stimulus checks sent to potentially as many as 70,000 Japanese citizens living in Japan
  •  $15 million to build a sports complex for the 2026 World Cup
  • $2.1 million for a golf course
  • $2 million for a ski slope
  • $140 million for a luxury hotel
  • $5 million to build walking trails dedicated to the history of moonshine
  •  $1.2 million spent on trash cans
  • $2 million to build a 60-acre RV campground at a safari park

To date, there are still almost $100 billion in unobligated COVID funds that President Biden continues to try to push out the door.  
After passing the so-called "American Rescue Plan," Democrats moved on, passing the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act," which included: $80 billion to the IRS in order to target working families with audit and more than $400 billion for Green New Deal initiatives.  Also, President Biden’s Executive Actions have totaled over $1 trillion in spending, including Democrats’ student loan giveaway to the wealthy.  

After passing the largest debt limit increase in American history, it took Democrats only a little over a year to max out the Federal Government’s credit card again.   Experts say our federal debt could reach a massive 110% of GDB by 2032.   Interest on this debt alone 10 years from now will reach $1.2 trillion, more than current funding for defense, health services, and veterans combined. In the last four years, the Democrats have increased discretionary spending by 30% – over $300 BILLION.  These actions have consequences and we are all paying the price for this reckless spending behavior. 

Americans are hurting and need help instead of more of the same! Americans deserve financial relief in the form of lower inflation,  safer communities, more freedom, and greater transparency.  My colleagues and I have plans to achieve these goals.  My colleagues and I are committed to delivering on our Commitment to America by creating: an economy that’s strong, a future that’s free, a nation that’s safe, and a government that’s accountable.  President Biden and Senate Democrats must acknowledge the spending crisis they created and negotiate with Republicans on a new budgetary framework focused on fiscal restraint.  Please continue reading to learn more about my efforts on this and other important issues last week!

Pushing Back Against Chinese Aggression

Last week, the Department of Defense allowed a Chinese spy balloon to violate American airspace and travel across the country before shooting it down off the coast of South Carolina.  Instead of taking swift action to protect American interests when the balloon was first spotted, the Biden administration allowed it to remain over U.S. soil for days, likely collecting intelligence and possibly transmitting to China. 

This not only threatened the privacy of every American, but it sent a powerfully dangerous message to China and our other adversaries that this type of aggressive incursion is somehow acceptable.  China now knows it can collect American intel for days and all at the cost of a balloon.  This avoidable incident is just the latest escalation of Chinese aggression toward the United States.  Subsequently, two additional unidentified objects have illegally violated North American airspace and been shot down. 

The Chinese government represents the single greatest threat to our country, as it will stop at nothing to undermine our global leadership and weaken our economy.  We simply cannot allow that to happen, which is why the Subcommittee I lead, the Innovation, Data and Commerce, is focused on advancing an agenda that will help us regain our competitive edge and beat China.  In last week’s markup, we passed legislation to make America more competitive against China’s antagonistic behavior.  Click here to listen to my comments during the hearing. 

Finding Common Ground to Help Americans

As noted in this article,  I’m proud to lead Florida’s delegation on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.  I agree that we can find consensus over issues relating to increasing online safety protections for children.  I also look forward to addressing fentanyl overdoses, enhancing healthcare options for seniors, improving access to mental health and substance abuse treatment, and strengthening protections of American interests against Chinese aggression.   

Restoring Energy Independence

As indicated in this story, consumers all throughout our community are feeling pain at the pump.  I urge my Senate colleagues to provide relief by taking up the measures we recently passed out of the House to spur domestic energy production.  

Advocating for our Heroes

Last week, I had the privilege of meeting with Colonel (Ret.) DJ Reyes, a local Veteran who serves on my Veteran Advisory Board, about PACT Act implementation, Veterans' Treatment Court, and the need for more affordable housing options for local Veterans.  I admire and applaud Colonel Reyes’ tireless efforts to help his fellow Veterans and their families.  He has provided valuable insight and feedback on a variety of initiatives, and I'm grateful for his continued input.  Colonel Reyes has also recently been inducted into the Florida Veterans’ Hall of Fame for his efforts.  


Another important issue impacting Veterans throughout the country is concurrent receipt.  More than 170 colleagues have agreed to co-sponsor my Major Richard Star Act.  Our heroes have waited far too long to fix this injustice, and I’ll keep pushing the issue forward until its rectified. Click here to learn more about my efforts on this important issue.  

Also, as discussed in this local news story, I am hosting a Veterans Town Hall Meeting on February 23, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at Inverness City Hall.  All local Veterans are invited to participate! 

Supporting Local Tourism and Economic Development

Legislation I sponsored to reauthorize the Brand USA Program was recently signed into law.  This highly successful program helps bring international tourists to our country by highlighting what local communities, like Citrus County, have to offer.  As we seek to fully recover our tourism industry, I look forward to working with Brand USA and local governments in my district to boost international tourism.  

It is also great to see new jobs coming to Hernando County! We must continue to work together to attract high skill, high wage jobs within our community and to ensure that we are providing opportunities for our local workforce to gain the skills to meet those demands. 

Combatting Addiction

Pasco County, like many communities across the country, is facing a growing crisis with respect to overdose.  It is a tragedy that so many of our neighbors are dyingI applaud Captain Roach and her team for embracing a new approach to battling addiction in Pasco County.  Their efforts are making a positive impact in the lives of many who are struggling.  Click here to learn more about their innovative efforts. 

Last week, I also had the privilege of meeting with Citrus County Sheriff Mike Prendergast. We discussed the rise in fentanyl overdoses, the work his team is doing to crack down on the sale of drugs laced with fentanyl, and how the problem is being exacerbated by our nation's failed border policies. I'll continue working to tackle these issues at the federal level and to ensure his team has access to the resources they need to keep our community safe!


Thwarting Government Overreach

We examined the Biden Administration’s mishandling of the pandemic during last week’s joint hearing between the Health Subcommittee and the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee.  Instead of building upon the successful public-private partnership that led to the success of Operation Warp Speed under President Trump, the Biden Administration came in with a very authoritative, punitive approach that violated the rights of many Americans, bred distrust among the American public and undermined public health goals.  As we look to the future, it is imperative that we learn from the Biden Administration’s past mistakes and prevent future encroachment on American civil liberties.  Click here to hear my exchange with panelists. 

Raising Awareness

As noted in this article, Pasco County law enforcement officials reported an increase in the number of local residents who have been victims of a scam.  Its important to raise awareness and to protect yourself from being exploited!

Supporting Small Business

Small Business is the backbone of our economy. Each Saturday, I highlight newly opened or expanded businesses in our community that my team or I have visited. Congratulations to these hard-working entrepreneurs and best wishes for their continued success as they realize their American Dream! 

Brandon & Lindsay Baldwin opened their locally-owned and operated Smoothie King franchise in Trinity. Brandon is a Veteran of the U.S. Navy. Thank you for your service to our country and best wishes for continued success in this business venture!


Community Connection

I am fortunate to have a team of dedicated staff who regularly attend events throughout our community, especially when I am required to be in Washington, DC. Through their collective efforts, I am better able to stay connected to the issues that matter most to my constituents. As part of my commitment to developing a better understanding of the issues facing constituents in Citrus, Hernando and Pasco counties members of my team attended several events last week.  Here are a few highlights. 

My team was proud to attend a recent ribbon cutting for Jessie's Place-Citrus County Children's Advocacy Center. This wonderful organization, run by Melissa Bowmaster, offers support for abused children throughout our community. It has just opened a second location in Inverness to ensure all children in need of help get the support they need.

 My team also enjoyed attending the unveiling of the new mural at Jerome Brown Park in Brooksville!  What a fitting tribute to a hometown legend who gave so much back to his community! 

Additionally, my team stopped by the Greek Festival in Hernando County recently.  It is great to see so many celebrating our shared faith and cultural traditions!


Constituent Corner

My office recently received this email from a constituent.

Thank you so much as we were beside ourselves as to not being able to deal directly with the VA. We are very grateful for your staff's assistance in this matter. Mom is now 96 and because of her dementia, she is not able to handle her own affairs. We hope that some day, government organizations like the VA will be easier to approach and easier for families to interact with on behave of their loved ones. We are also sorry to report that with all the price hikes, the assisted living facility she is in is also raising their prices several hundreds of dollars. We know that Gus is not able to single handedly reduce inflation, but we are sure he is definitely fighting against it, trying to lower taxes and fees, and has our complete support as a result of his position on this and many other issues. Thanks again for all you are doing, both Gus and the staff.

This is just one example of the work we do each day. Constituent services are a critical element of our congressional office. The federal government is a massive operation, and my office is available if you ever need assistance in navigating the bureaucracy or cutting through red tape. We are here to serve you!  



Gus Bilirakis
Member of Congress

Rep. Gus Bilirakis | 2306 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515