Right-wing politicians are turning our schools into a battlefield for their culture war. 

Roy Cooper for North Carolina

John — our public schools are under attack.

Republicans in Raleigh are working to push through a dangerous constitutional amendment that would alter our state Board of Education system. It’s a blatant attempt to have radical right-wing politicians run our public schools.

The only people who should be determining how our teachers teach and our students learn are educators and experts. Extremist legislators have no place calling the shots.

This amendment is an IMMEDIATE threat to our schools. Republicans could try to pass it as soon as this week. We need 500 supporters to take a stand against it before midnight — sign on to tell GOP legislators to leave public school governance to the experts!

It’s clear that right-wingers are intent on turning our public schools into the next battlefield for their culture war. It’s dangerous political pandering, and it’s just plain wrong.

But Republicans know that public school takeovers by right-wing extremists play well to their base — that’s all there is to it.

John, our schools and teachers deserve to learn and teach free of ideological restraints. Let GOP legislators know you agree by adding your name to Roy’s petition now.



Team Cooper



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Cooper for North Carolina
PO Box 1190
Raleigh, NC 27602
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