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NEW | WILL Protects the 2nd Amendment

WILL filed a federal lawsuit against the Biden Administration on behalf of military veterans from Texas and Wisconsin. WILL is challenging the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) new rule, which recategorizes up to 40 million pistols with stabilizing braces as “short-barreled rifles.” Stabilizing braces, invented to help disabled veterans fire their pistols safely, make many types of pistols more accurate and therefore safer. ATF’s new rule requires millions of Americans to register these firearms on a federal registry and pay a tax. Americans who do not wish to be placed on a federal gun registry must either destroy their stabilizing brace or turn in their weapon. Non-compliance with this federal-registration requirement will threaten millions of Americans with fines and imprisonment.

🗯 WILL Deputy Counsel, Dan Lennington, said, “These military veterans defended our country overseas, and now they are defending our rights here at home. WILL is proud to represent these patriots. The Biden Administration has no power to re-classify pistols as rifles, and we will vigorously defend the Second Amendment in federal court.”

Help us stand up for our Second Amendment. Help us defend freedom and our cherished American values during this critical time. We can’t do this without you!

📰 Read about this suit in FOX News, Newsmax, The Hill, and AP News.

🎙 Listen to one of our clients on The Glenn Beck Show.

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UPDATE | Quick Hearing Reinforced 1st Amendment Rights

Last Monday, WILL filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Neenah on behalf of Tim and Megan Florek, challenging the constitutionality of the city’s sign ordinance. Just three days later, during a hearing held by U.S. District Judge William Griesbach, the city agreed to suspend the enforcement of the illegal ordinance while the case against it moves forward.

🗯 WILL Deputy Counsel, Lucas Vebber, stated, "We are certainly pleased the city has agreed not to enforce this unlawful ordinance while this lawsuit moves forward. Our clients can now continue exercising their First Amendment rights without fear of prosecution while this case proceeds."  

🗯 WILL Associate Counsel, Cara Tolliver, stated, "Impeding fundamental rights, such as the right to free speech and expression, is inexcusable. The City of Neenah has correctly backed down on enforcing this unlawful ordinance."

🎙 Listen to this news on WI Morning News with WILL Deputy Counsel, Lucas Vebber.

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UPDATE | WILL Moves for Summary Judgment in Parents' Rights Case

WILL and Alliance Defending Freedom have brought on two expert witnesses in support of summary judgment in a parents’ rights suit against a Kettle Moraine School District Policy that “affirms” a minor student’s gender transition at school, even over the parents’ objection.

🗯 WILL Deputy Counsel, Luke Berg, stated, “The Kettle Moraine School District’s policy defies common sense, medical expertise, and plainly violates the constitutionally recognized rights of parents to raise their children. Schools do not have this legal authority, and WILL is supporting parents who are rightfully fighting back.”

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