Our Revive counseling program is offering multiple support groups for survivors this winter!

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Black History Month

Black Women Leaders in the Movement to End Sexual and Domestic Violence

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Rosa Parks. Ida B. Wells. Harriet Jacobs. You've likely heard these names, but do you know their role in the movement to end domestic and sexual violence? Check out this onepager from the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance and a blog post from NJCASA to learn more!

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Celebrating Black-Led Organizations

"We must center the voices of those who have been marginalized by racism and other discrimination in our movement, including advocating for expanded avenues to justice that focus on victim autonomy and safety, along with investments in responses beyond a criminal system."

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What's Next for Doorways?

Our New Strategic Plan in Action

Missed the lunch-and-learn in January? Stay tuned to learn more about our strategic plan in our upcoming annual report. In the meantime, check out our vision, mission, and updated values:

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Equity: Doorways pursues justice and fairness. We make an intentional effort to provide services and support to everyone, especially those in our community who have been marginalized.

Empathy: The Doorways team treats everyone with care. This means being nonjudgmental and being actively present to support our clients. We show concern, understanding, and grace with one another. And it means we have cultural competence, humility, and embrace equity.

Trauma-Informed Care: Our team uses a strengths-based and person-centered approach and is focused on client well-being. We are committed to addressing both current and lasting impacts of past injustices, particularly racial injustices, to ensure everyone can achieve safety and stability.

Collaboration: We take a partnership approach with clients, staff, teams, and community collaborators. The Doorways team embraces opportunities to contribute, work side-by-side, and support each other to serve the common good and achieve our personal best.

Empowerment: We seek to provide clients with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to be self-advocates. Our team trusts and supports clients and survivors to have agency over their lives.

Integrity & Accountability: The Doorways team thrives on always telling the truth, doing what we say we will do, being genuine, and embracing accountability.

Respect: We treat others the way we want to be treated. Our team trusts our clients and elevates dignity and humanity in all we do and how we do it. We cherish and value every team member.

In the News

Virginia Senate moves forward with Democratic gun-safety bills

"SB 909, introduced by Sen. Barbara Favola, D-Arlington, would ban firearm transfers to another person from a prohibited person. The bill would require transferees to be at least 21 years old and live in a separate residence from the subject to the protective order.

Supporters praised the bill for clarifying and addressing discrepancies in existing gun transfer legislation relating to domestic violence.

'We've realized that there are some wild inconsistencies in the requirements of transferees for those firearms restrictions,' Jonathan Yglesias, policy director for the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Action Alliance, said."

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Law barring people with domestic violence restraining orders from having guns is unconstitutional, court rules

"The Justice Department signaled Thursday night that it plans to appeal the ruling. Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement that Congress had determined the statute 'nearly 30 years ago.'"

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"A federal appeals court ruled against him, saying that it was more important for society to keep guns out of the hands of people accused of domestic violence than it was to protect a person's individual right to own a gun.

The appeals court withdrew its original decision and on Thursday decided to vacate Mr Rahimi's conviction.

He had been under a restraining order since February 2020, following the alleged assault of a former girlfriend."

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Drive-Thru Deeds

Deliver supplies for clients

Swing by our office on Fridays from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to drop off your donations, or ship a gift directly to Doorways via our Amazon Wish List. Thank you for your help!

Kids' books needed

Our Children and Family Case Managers are asking for your help stocking our library with books to help our kiddos attune to their emotions and become their own superheroes! See the wish list and send to Doorways directly via our Amazon, or deliver during Drive-Thru Deeds. Thank you!

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