Tulsi Gabbard for President

We have 25 days until the first primary votes are cast in New Hampshire and we’re running out of time to reach every single voter before the end of the month. We’re currently $35,000 behind pace, a gap we can close with this email alone if every person reading it pitches in $5 or $25 right now. Can you help?

Team Tulsi —

25 days left until New Hampshire votes.

If we have any hope of pulling ahead like we already know Tulsi can, the next 25 days HAVE to be our biggest EVER. We honestly cannot afford anything less.

Right now we’re coming up way short of our $1.5 million dollar goal, but you can help change that today.

Our entire fundraising operation relies on small, regular grassroots donations from people reading emails like this one, giving online. The average donation to our campaign is just $19, but all of those $19 contributions combined are incredibly powerful: They mean Tulsi can continue to compete, and be heard, in a race that is weighted to favor the billionaires and establishment picks. It means our movement can keep growing, and we can keep defying the odds.

We have just 25 days to reach more people with Tulsi’s message than we’ve ever reached before — including every single voter in New Hampshire.

That’s why I’m asking if you’ll consider making a $5 or $25 donation today — if we all pitch in now, we can close the fundraising gap by the end of the weekend.

Tulsi is out on the campaign trail talking with voters, sharing her bold and unifying vision for our country and our people, every single day.

With your support, Tulsi can stay on the road meeting with voters instead of attending fundraisers or courting wealthy donors. Our grassroots movement funds this campaign in its entirety. We’re turning up the volume on all of this over the coming 25 days, and we need your help to do it.

Can Tulsi count on you today?

We can’t do this without you, Jack. Thank you.
Caitlin for Tulsi