

Last week we asked you to fill out our 2023 Supporter Survey to let us know which issues you wanted us to focus on most this year. Good news: the results are IN.

Here are the TOP issues YOU want us to focus on in the year ahead, according to our Supporter Survey:

  1. Abortion decriminalization 
  2. Climate action
  3. Engaging young voters
  4. Expanding Medicaid
  5. Public safety/police reform

We couldn’t agree more with your assessment—that’s why we have nearly ALL of these issues on the ballot already in 2023. We’re working hard to organize voters behind progressive change. Can you chip in $25, or whatever you can afford, to help us pass progress on these issues this year?

>> Help us DELIVER
on YOUR top issues! <<

Team, over the last year, Ground Game Texas has fought to put popular, progressive issues on the ballot that will galvanize communities to get to the polls. Our initiatives have helped register new voters, inspired young voters and infrequent voters to get involved, and rallied communities to pass progressive policies like the ones above.

With your help, we hope to have an even more successful year in 2023. THERE ARE NO OFF YEARS—that’s why we’re working hard to pass these initiatives now and do the important work of organizing community-by-community.

Can you chip in $25, or whatever you can afford, to help us deliver progress on these issues this year? We already have THREE major initiatives on the ballot this May!

Thank you for sharing your input on our work – let’s get to work on delivering progress.

Thank you,

Ground Game Texas