Show your support for Josh in a way that won’t cost a cent.
Josh Stein | Governor


Josh has taken on big fights before and won. But the fight to save the Governor’s office from radical right-wing extremism is his biggest yet.

Click here to add your official citizen endorsement and support Josh’s candidacy >>>

Folks, on Day 1, we were proud to announce that Josh had been endorsed by more than 150 current and former elected officials here in North Carolina. And in just the first few weeks of this campaign, we’ve already gained national attention as the governor’s race to watch in 2024.

Josh believes in a North Carolina grounded in our shared values of freedom, justice, and opportunity for all. But, he needs your support now to create the brighter future our state deserves.

Folks, Josh wants to know you’re with him in the fight for North Carolina’s future. Add your name to officially endorse Josh’s candidacy today!


Thank you so much!

Team Stein

Josh Stein has been fighting for North Carolinians for over 20 years. He’s running for Governor to ensure that the people of North Carolina remain our state’s top priority. Josh believes that North Carolina’s progress must be rooted in our shared values of freedom, fairness, and opportunity for everyone. That means fighting extremism at all levels of government and holding bad actors accountable.

Josh spent the last six years as Attorney General delivering for the people of North Carolina. He will continue his work, but he can only get there with your help. Republicans are already coalescing behind an extreme candidate and we can’t let our state fall into the wrong hands. Please chip in whatever amount you can to become a founding donor of this campaign. Donate now to elect Josh Stein as the next Governor of North Carolina!


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