Last Sunday was the 50th Anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision.

But, as you know, last June, the extremist Supreme Court ripped abortion access away from millions of Americans.

In the months following the cruel Dobbs decision, we've seen states criminalize abortion, even in cases of rape, incest, or when the mother's life is in danger. In some states, patients have difficulty receiving prenatal care in their first trimester because health care providers fear investigation if there is a miscarriage.

One of the first things House Republicans did with their majority was to pass legislation to further restrict access to abortion care and protect the spread of misinformation through dangerous crisis pregnancy centers. Republicans may try to ban abortion nationwide, and if they increase their majority, they might succeed. Democrats must take back the House majority and protect reproductive freedom.

We won't give up. Many pro-choice states, including Oregon, are working to protect patients traveling from out of state and the health care providers who care for them. The FDA has announced that abortion pills can be sent through the mail to all 50 states. And I'm working to stop misinformation by pregnancy resource centers.

The fight will continue. And it's going to take every one of us to win. Will you join in today with a donation of $3?

Thank you for standing with me for reproductive rights.


P.S. You might have seen that I was recently hit by a car while crossing a street in Portland. I'm grateful to the first responders and health care providers who took care of me and for the outpouring of support I've received from many of you. I'm making progress as I continue to recover, and I look forward to getting back to Washington D.C. soon.

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