News from Representative Donald Norcross

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Dear John,

Today, our nation celebrates an American icon: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. His courage and wisdom were instrumental to the civil rights movement and serve as an inspiration for social justice today. 


Our communities have deep roots in Dr. King’s legacy and his work for equality and justice. He led his first sit-in here as a young man and frequented Camden City and South Jersey many times.

Dr. King was also a strong voice for workers, speaking out against unsafe working conditions and unfair wages. 55 years ago, he was fatally shot after standing with sanitation workers who were on strike for better wages and working conditions in Memphis, TN. We owe it to future generations to safeguard his legacy.

As we start off the New Year, let's do our part make sure our children’s future can be one of equality and fairness. I proudly voted for the John Lewis Voting Rights Act last Congress to do just that, and I will continue working everyday to see voting rights protected for all Americans.

What Else Am I Working On?

  • Last week, I marked the second anniversary of rioters breaching our nation's Capitol in an effort to overturn our elections. Looking back at the footage I took gives me chills. I am more committed than ever to protecting our democracy.
  • The first bill put on the floor by House Republicans was an attempt to make it easier for giant corporations to cheat on their taxes. I strongly opposed this legislation because it  rewards wealth, not work. Read about the GOP's bill here.

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about legislation or need help with a federal agency, call me at (856) 427-7000 and visit my website. It's an honor to serve you.

Donald Norcross
Member of Congress

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