Here’s the critical changes we secured.
Here’s the critical changes we secured.


The institution in Washington is broken. Congress doesn’t work for the American people, and to be honest, it hasn’t in a long time.

Corrupt establishment swamp politicians have repeatedly sold-out hard-working Americans while doling out favors to lobbyists and special interest groups.

In order to effectively fight for YOU over the next two years, we needed to make fundamental, institutional changes to the way that Congress functions.

That’s why I joined 19 of my colleagues to hold the line in the people’s House until we secured a deal that accomplished the following:

  • Reverses Nancy Pelosi’s rule change and returns the House to the 100+ year precedent of allowing a single member to bring up a motion to remove a speaker if they break their promises or betray the American people. 
  • Promises a vote on term limits and a Texas border security plan.
  • Requires single subject bills instead of several thousand-page monstrosities that are full of unrelated provisions and irrelevant nonsense. 
  • Requires a minimum of 72 hours to read and review the contents of a bill. 
  • Establishes an investigation into the weaponization of the FBI, DOJ, and other government agencies.
  • Holds Biden and Senate Democrats in check by ensuring that debt ceiling increases will be accompanied by reductions in spending. 

Now, conservatives will be able to truly fight for WE THE PEOPLE with our new House majority.

Please make a contribution to support us as we hold the line against the Swamp and fight on your behalf in the 118th Congress.







Some of the institutional changes we secured may seem small, but they are things that are critical for the House moving forward.

After the FBI’s illegal and partisan raid on President Trump’s home last summer, we’ve got to pursue investigations to explore possible abuses of power.

The motion to vacate rule for the speaker was in place in the House for over a hundred years until Nancy Pelosi changed it, and reinstating it is a huge step towards restoring accountability in Washington.

In the real world, if you lead a company, it only takes one member of the board of directors to hold a vote against the chairman of the board or the CEO.

It shouldn’t be any different in Congress. Restoring the single-member threshold ensures that any future speaker is fully accountable to the members.

If you want the job of leading the House, then you shouldn’t be afraid of that.

Requiring single subject bills and a minimum of 72 hours to read and review them are major steps towards transparency and reducing wasteful spending.

Far too often in Washington, various laws, provisions, and funding for dozens of separate, unrelated issues are cobbled together into massive Frankenstein bills.

Then, members are only given a few short hours to read them before they’re forced to vote yes or no on the entire thing.

The recent 4,000+ page omnibus that authorized $1.7 TRILLION in reckless spending is a perfect example of why these rules are desperately needed.

These rules changes matter immensely, Friend.

They ultimately dictate how the House functions, and that goes directly to the ability of us accomplishing the solutions that we promised the American people.

Things like securing the border, budgetary restraint, and holding the Biden Administration accountable will be much easier to accomplish because of these changes.

When I came to Washington, I vowed to stop the destruction being caused by radical far-Left progressives and advance an America First agenda.

Last Friday was a massive step towards delivering on that promise.

But this was only the beginning. We still have a lot of work to do.

To keep up the fight, we’re depending on support from grassroots, America First patriots like YOU.

So please, make a contribution to support us as we hold the line against the Swamp and fight on your behalf in the 118th Congress.

Thank you,

Rep. Byron Donalds

Paid for by Byron Donalds for Congress.

2430 Vanderbilt Beach Road, Ste 108 PMB 260,
Naples, FL 34108

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