Join us this Saturday for Eat, Drink, and Be Marxist

🌹 What's coming up in January 2023? 👀


Ever thought about attending a book club meeting? What about spending a Saturday night at Georgia Beer Garden with your fellow comrades? You've come to the right place!


Find more info on these events below:

Looking for more events? See our monthly calendar! 📆

See This Month's Events Here


💬 Panel: Root Causes of Homelessness 💬

Join the House the Unhoused Dekalb Alliance, DSA, and community partners on Monday, January 9th for a forum on the root causes of homelessness in Metro Atlanta. This discussion will be held at Oakhurst Presbyterian Church at 7 PM. We hope to see you there!


📚Book Club Starts this Thursday!📚

Image promoting the Atlanta DSA book club

Starting Thursday Jan 12 @ 7 PM, ATL DSA’s book club will begin reading and discussing Elite Capture: How the Powerful Took Over Identity Politics (And Everything Else) by Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò.


In this book, Táíwò discusses how the rich and powerful have co-opted identity politics to achieve their own ends. He instead intervenes to suggest how we as socialists can move beyond a "class" vs. "race" binary to reject elitist identity politics in favor of a constructive politics of racial solidarity, and build a better world that works for us all.


Our book club takes place every other Thursday on Zoom and is open to both members and nonmembers! Just RSVP at to get the link, and pick up the book at while there’s still a sale 😉


🍻 Eat, Drink, and Be Marxist! 🍻

Image promoting the Atlanta DSA book club

Join us at our in-person socialist social at the Georgia Beer Garden, Saturday Jan. 14 @ 8 PM!  Enjoy comradeship and a brew with DSA and friends! If you're a new member, or want to find out what DSA is up to, this is a great event to meet new people and get plugged in. 🌹


Since COVID is still a risk, we ask that you only attend if you're fully vaccinated. We'll be meeting up in the outdoor patio area. Bring a friend!


🤝 Join DSA at the MLK March! 🤝

Join us at the annual MLK March next Monday 1/16! We'll meet at the corner of Peachtree St. and Baker St. at 1:15 PM. Wear red and bring signs. The March will begin at 1:45 PM and will end with a rally in front of the King Center. RSVP to get more info!


🗣 January Workplace Roundtable 🗣

Image promoting the Atlanta DSA book club

Ever thought about organizing your workplace, but don't know where to start? Join ATL DSA's labor committee for an in-person workplace roundtable at 711 Catherine St SW Monday 1/16 from 7:00-9:00 PM.


This roundtable will be an informal discussion on workplace organizing strategies, and what challenges people are facing in their own workplaces. Be prepared to introduce yourself, and share your experiences and advice with comrades on having workplace organizing conversations, strategies, and more! This event is open to members and non-members of all levels of experience!


🍎 January General Meeting: Potluck Edition 🍰

Image promoting the Atlanta DSA book club
Join us for Atlanta DSA's monthly General Meeting! We will hear the latest from our chapter's campaigns and committees, discuss current events in the chapter, and debate and vote on resolutions. All members are encouraged to attend, and interested non-members are welcome!
This month we're trying something new! This meeting will be held in person, with an informal potluck/social starting at NOON, and business running from 1:00-3:00 PM. So bring your favorite dish, and a friend that's curious about getting involved with DSA. Plus, we'll be holding a workshop on Talking About Socialism 101. Brush up on your organizing conversation skills and RSVP for the General Meeting here!

Agenda (updated approximately one week before meeting):

Please wear a mask! For the health and safety of all, all ATL DSA event attendees must be fully vaccinated.

Call for Community Support!

From the Richard Hunsinger Defense Committee:


Richard Hunsinger is an Atlanta-based activist, organizer, and musician who was arrested in November 2020 for actions related to the uprising after George Floyd's murder. On October 24 2022, Richard pleaded guilty to two charges: obstructing a federal officer and destruction of government property. Neither of these charges carries a mandatory minimum sentence, but the government is requesting a terrorism enhancement which could lengthen his prison time by several years. The next step is a sentencing hearing, where the judge will decide whether to grant this request and what Richard's sentence will be. A crowd of supporters at this hearing will show the judge that Richard is a loved and valued member of our community. Turnout can make a real impact on judges' decisions!


The hearing is scheduled for Thursday, January 19th, 2023 at 2:30 pm on the 23rd floor of the Richard B. Russell Federal Building, 75 Ted Turner Dr. SW, Atlanta, GA 30303.

Please exercise discretion when talking about Richard & his case. While we await sentencing, it's important that we maintain a low profile for his continued legal safety. We ask that you don't share this on social media.


✊ January Workshop Series: 
Secrets of a Successful Organizer ✊


Join Labor Notes' January Workshop series about how to become a successful labor organizer. The first of three workshops is on January 12th. Sessions will run on January 12th, 19th, and 26th at 7:30-9:30 PM EST. Sign up today!


Workshops are based on Labor Notes' widely-acclaimed book, Secrets of a Successful Organizer. Trainings will be held via Zoom.


Cost: $15 for the whole series. Includes access to all workshops until space is filled. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.


🏥 Free COVID Testing Kits 🏥

The Post Office is providing another round of four free COVID at-home rapid tests for every residential household. Please stay safe this winter by ordering some free at-home tests!


❄️ Donate to our Winter Clothing Drive ❄️

Holiday Party graphic promoting the ATLDSA Holiday Party on Dec 10th

We’re collecting winter coats and other items to distribute for the colder months! Items needed include: Jackets, Coats, Blankets, Socks, Shoes, PPE (Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Gloves), Hygiene Products (Soap, Tampons, Sanitary Napkins, Toothpaste, Tooth Brushes, Deodorant, Wipes, etc.)

To coordinate, please email [email protected], drop off at the drop-off box at 711 Catherine St SW. The drive will continue into January.


🌹 Join a Committee! 🌹

Atlanta DSA needs your help with our day-to-day programming! Apply to join or volunteer with one of our many Committees below.


Committees are where we organize our events and actions. Ever wonder who writes these emails, plans a canvass, or organizes strike support? A Committee! Most of our organizing happens through our 6 main committees: Electoral, Labor, Education, Communications, Operations, and Membership. Click here for more information on each committee's work. 


If you're looking to help out in a leadership capacity with Atlanta DSA, or just looking to volunteer, sign up to volunteer with a committee today!


Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America

Fighting for the many, not the few