There’s only one party that will protect health insurance coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, friend, and it’s not the one Donald Trump wants you to think it is.

If Donald Trump and David Perdue get their way, 4,316,000 Georgians living with pre-existing conditions could lose their care or see their rates skyrocket as a result.

Perdue is proud of his voting record. He has repeatedly voted to undermine health insurance for the most vulnerable, including to allow junk insurance plans on the market that offer no coverage for people with pre-existing conditions — even denying insurance to women who are pregnant.

These are the actions of someone who is not protecting Georgians, but the profits of insurance companies. If you’re with me in the fight to put people before profits in Congress, then I’m asking if you’ll make a donation to our people-powered campaign to #SendPerduePacking.

We need to build on the Affordable Care Act by expanding Medicaid to 500,000+ Georgians and establish a public option to achieve universal healthcare coverage.

But that won’t happen as long as Republicans control the Senate and Perdue sells off his votes to the special interests who finance his campaigns — like at the $100,000-per-plate fundraiser Trump co-hosted with him weeks ago.

To flip the Senate we have to win Georgia, where polling has our race within single digits. If we do that, we will not only secure Democratic control of the White House and Senate — we will transform the political landscape across our country for years to come.

I’m relying on grassroots donations to take the fight to David Perdue. Rush in a contribution today and help me fight for universal healthcare for all Americans.


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Yours truly,







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