Hi folks —

When I took my oath of office two years ago this week, I pledged to be a Senator for all Coloradans — and I meant it. To me, keeping that promise not only means working with anyone and everyone to get things done for our state, but more importantly, it means listening to and learning from the people I represent.

Hearing from folks across Colorado is one of the best parts of this job. Your input helps our team set an agenda that truly reflects the needs of our communities, and your stories help us better fight for you and your family in the United States Senate.

So today, I’m reaching out to ask you for your input as our team sets our priorities for the year ahead. I’d love to sit down with each and every one of you over a cup of coffee or a cold beer. But I thought the second best option would be to send you a quick email and ask for your input directly.

So team, will you take a moment to fill out my 2023 Priorities Survey today? My team and I will go through the responses at the end of the week, and it would mean so much to hear from you.


Thanks for taking a moment to read this message and take our survey today. We can’t wait to read your responses!

— John