I hope you and your loved one are having a restful holiday season

Cheri Beasley for North Carolina

Hi John -

I hope you and your loved one are having a restful holiday season. I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting and making up for lost time with Curt and our boys — Matthew, Thomas and Stanley — after a busy campaign schedule!

But today, I am reaching out with a special favor to ask. I got a note from Senator Maggie Hassan (below) that her campaign has a few bills they still need to pay from their victorious campaign. They ran to win, and I told her we could help because we don’t want her to have to focus on fundraising when the important work of the new Congress begins.

She and her team always had my back and pitched in tremendously to support our efforts, so I’m hoping you will read Sen. Hassan’s note below and consider contributing to her campaign before we all close the books on 2022 with Saturday’s deadline.

Thank you so much for your support.

- Cheri Beasley

Senator Maggie Hassan’s email is below.

Hi John,

It is the honor of my lifetime to serve in the Senate. Working to make life better for Granite Staters is something that deserves my full attention.

That’s why I’m sending you this email. Our (victorious!) campaign has some debt to pay off, and the amount we owe will be publicly reported at the end of the year. If you could give $3 right now to help us pay it down so that I can continue focusing my energy on serving in the Senate, I’d be very grateful.

The backstory is this:

GOP spending against us SKYROCKETED in the last few weeks of the campaign. Polls tightened to within a point or two, and pundits doubted whether we could win.

My team was laser-focused on making strategic decisions that would allow us to win. We made last-minute investments with the information we had, hoping that the funding we needed would come through.

Unfortunately, all of our funding didn’t come through and now my campaign has a bit of a hole to fill to get our last bills paid.

Will you please give $3 or as much as you can to my campaign to help us retire our debt? Every dollar you give helps me spend less time fundraising and more time fighting for hardworking families, and I’m grateful for anything you can give.

Thank you so much.

With every good wish,
Maggie Hassan



Paid For By Cheri Beasley for North Carolina

Cheri Beasley for North Carolina
PO Box 28778
Raleigh, NC 27611

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