Dear Friends,

The Syracuse Cultural Workers first released their “How to Build Community” poster (by artist Karen Kerney) in 1998. It holds simple truths: get to know your neighbors, support schools, honor elders, talk to your mail carrier, buy from local merchants, listen before reacting to anger, learn from new and uncomfortable angles, mediate conflicts, and work to change that many voices go unheard. 

The poster has hung in my home for years and guides my work. It serves as a roadmap to bridging divides and creating healthier communities, despite the noise around us.

Together, we have accomplished so much in the past year. And much work remains to be done. 

While we were stopped short of one of our greatest endeavors -- representing working people in Congress -- our efforts incorporated many of the items listed on the “How to Build Community” poster.

You were a part of that. 

While our campaign was one of the most targeted of the 2022 cycle (~$8 million spent in attacks), we faced uncommon obstacles, and while resources promised to us were diverted to others in the critical final days, we still overperformed.

Just look at these numbers!


You helped us do that. I am proud and grateful for what we accomplished together.

The past is an opportunity to learn. And we have. During the multiple “Plus/Delta” conversations we have had afterwards, we identified what worked and what we could have done better -- important future lessons for us and like-minded community leaders.

The year ahead holds opportunity and promise, if we continue to work together to further our commitment to supporting working families, safeguarding our environment, strengthening our democracy, and building communities where everyone can thrive. 

I look forward to doing this work together.

Happy New Year!



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