What's Next on the Agenda for 2023?

🌹 What's coming up in 2023? 👀

Happy holidays! ❄️ Many of our Committees are taking a much needed from rest from now until the new year! Labor Committee meetings will resume Monday Jan 2 at 7:00 PM, and Electoral Committee meetings resume Thursday Jan. 5th. Click the links to email the committees and attend!


What else are we looking ahead towards? Find more info on these events below:

Looking for more events? See our monthly calendar! 📆


📚 Join our Next Book Club Thurs. 1/12 📚

Image promoting the Atlanta DSA book club

Starting Thursday Jan 12 @ 7PM, ATL DSA’s book club will begin reading and discussing Elite Capture: How the Powerful Took Over Identity Politics (And Everything Else) by Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò.


In this book, Táíwò discusses how the rich and powerful have co-opted identity politics to achieve their own ends. He instead intervenes to suggest how we as socialists can move beyond a "class" vs. "race" binary to reject elitist identity politics in favor of a constructive politics of racial solidarity, and build a better world that works for us all.


Our book club takes place every other Thursday on Zoom and is open to both members and nonmembers! Just RSVP at atldsa.org/bookclub to get the link, and pick up the book at haymarketbooks.org while there’s still a sale 😉


🗣 January Workplace Roundtable 🗣

Image promoting the Atlanta DSA book club

Ever thought about organizing your workplace, but don't know where to start? Join ATL DSA's labor committee for an in-person workplace roundtable at 711 Catherine St SW Monday 1/16 from 7:00-9:00 PM.


This roundtable will be an informal discussion on workplace organizing strategies, and what challenges people are facing in their own workplaces. Be prepared to introduce yourself, and share your experiences and advice with comrades on having workplace organizing conversations, strategies, and more! This event is open to members and non-members of all levels of experience!


🍻 Eat, Drink, and Be Marxist! 🍻

Image promoting the Atlanta DSA book club

Join us at our in-person socialist social at the Georgia Beer Garden, Saturday Jan. 14 @ 8PM!  Enjoy comradeship and a brew with DSA and friends! If you're a new member, or want to find out what DSA is up to, this is a great event to meet new people and get plugged in. 🌹


Since COVID is still a risk, we ask that you only attend if you're fully vaccinated. We'll be meeting up in the outdoor patio area. Bring a friend!


✊ The US Labor Movement Notched Some Impressive Victories in 2022 ✊

In the face of inflation and short staffing, we demanded bigger paychecks and more time for our lives outside of work. (Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

The American labor movement remains weak. But from the sweeping Starbucks unionization drive to UAW reformers’ successful bid for union leadership, there were serious glimmers of hope in 2022 for a stronger, more assertive labor movement.


Was it the pandemic? Was it new disasters from climate change? Was it the fact that employers are still begging for more workers?


Whatever it was, workers were ready to throw down this year. In the face of inflation and short staffing, we demanded more money in our paychecks and more time for our lives outside of work. We organized; we even exercised our strike muscles. And crucially, union members stood up to demand more from their unions and their leaderships.


Workers overturned a lot of conventional wisdom in 2022.


❄️ Happy Holidays from Atlanta DSA! ❄️

Image showing DSA's holiday wish list

2022 is winding down and so are we! After a year of knocking doors, fighting for abortion rights, organizing with Starbucks workers and more, Atlanta DSA is signing off until the New Year. So relax with friends and family 🥂, get some well-deserved rest 😴, and jump right back into organizing with us the first week of 2023 ✊🌹



Not a member? Make it your New Years Resolution to join us in the fight to build a democratic society run by and for working people! Sign up to join DSA today and get organizing to win Medicare for All 🏥, Good Union Jobs 👷‍♀️, a Green New Deal 🌍, and Free Abortion on Demand 💖


🏥 Free COVID Testing Kits 🏥

The Post Office is providing another round of four free COVID at-home rapid tests for every residential household. Please stay safe this winter by ordering some free at-home tests!


❄️ Donate to our Winter Clothing Drive ❄️

Holiday Party graphic promoting the ATLDSA Holiday Party on Dec 10th

We’re collecting winter coats and other items to distribute for the colder months! Items needed include: Jackets, Coats, Blankets, Socks, Shoes, PPE (Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Gloves), Hygiene Products (Soap, Tampons, Sanitary Napkins, Toothpaste, Tooth Brushes, Deodorant, Wipes, etc.)

To coordinate, please email [email protected], drop off at the drop-off box at 711 Catherine St SW. The drive will continue into January.


☕ Starbucks Workers United in the News ☕


Hear from DSA and our comrades organizing at Ansley Mall Starbucks in this article from Atlanta Magazine, Atlanta Starbucks workers are still working toward formalizing a union!


 From 4:30 a.m. onward, Amanda Rivera is busy on her opening shifts. First, she drives to the houses where she pet-sits and lets out the animals in the dark. Then, she rushes over to the Ansley Mall Starbucks to start everyone else’s day. After 10 years as a barista, Rivera moves quickly around the predawn cafe, arranging pastries in the display case and brewing five-pound bags of coffee. Before opening the doors, she takes a few minutes to have a cup herself. “I usually do a cold-brew,” Rivera says. “I need something that’s going to keep me awake.”


🌹 Join a Committee! 🌹

Atlanta DSA needs your help with our day-to-day programming! Apply to join or volunteer with one of our many Committees below.


Committees are where we organize our events and actions. Ever wonder who writes these emails, plans a canvass, or organizes strike support? A Committee! Most of our organizing happens through our 6 main committees: Electoral, Labor, Education, Communications, Operations, and Membership. Click here for more information on each committee's work. 


If you're looking to help out in a leadership capacity with Atlanta DSA, or just looking to volunteer, sign up to volunteer with a committee today!


😤 Seize the Memes 😤

Socialist meme

Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America atldsa.org

Fighting for the many, not the few