
Republicans are scared of us, team.

This November, groups across the country showed the power of ballot initiatives to block Republican attacks on abortion rights and advance progressive policies on things like marijuana—including Ground Game Texas. In FIVE communities across Texas we passed ballot initiatives to make progressive reform on marijuana laws.

That’s why last week a Republican District Attorney asked Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to help him block one of our initiatives. He’s counting on our extreme and corrupt Attorney General to help him overturn the will of voters—but we won’t let him.

We’re organizing across Texas to block Republican attacks on our ballot initiatives – can you chip in $25 to help us defend the will of voters and protect our elections?

>> Help us fight back! <<

Team, extreme antidemocratic Republicans like Ken Paxton are afraid of the power of voters. That’s why they’ve worked hard to disenfranchise voters, gerrymander our districts, and suppress turnout at every turn. Now they’re seeing a wave of progressive reforms passing in communities in Texas and want to crack down.

They think they can overturn the will of voters – but we’re working hard to make sure it’s protected. Can you chip in $25, or whatever you can afford, to fight back against these extreme politicians?

Thank you,

Ground Game Texas