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Since the 2016 elections, Democrats in Congress have had one thing on their mind: impeach President Trump!

Nancy Pelosi and her radical Democrat allies in the Fake News Media have declared war on our country, our American values, and President Trump.

Not on my watch!

My name's Marjorie Greene and I'm running for Congress! I'm proud to receive the endorsement of Congressman Jim Jordan!

"Marjorie Greene is a strong conservative, political outsider, and successful businesswoman. She is exactly the kind of fighter needed in Washington to stand with me against the radical left."- Jim Jordan

Congressman Jim Jordan has been the staunchest defender of President Trump against the left-wing Democrats hellbent on impeachment.

I'm so humbled Congressman Jim Jordan is supporting my campaign. But the truth is, I need more support. The May 19 Republican Primary is just around the corner and I need every pro-Trump, America First conservative to rally behind my campaign.

In fact, I need your endorsement as well.

Can I count on you to join Jim Jordan in supporting my campaign by chipping in with a contribution of $100, $50, $25, or even just $10 right away?

jim jordan

Like President Trump, I'm a business owner in the construction industry, political outsider, and problem solver.

And while my husband, Perry, and I have been creating jobs and raising our three children over the last two decades, the career politicians at all levels of government have continually failed the people of this country.

I'm sick and tired of people like AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and their anti-Trump, anti-America rhetoric, and their phony witch hunt to try and overturn the 2016 elections.

I'm running because I care about our country. And once elected, I'm going to fight alongside Congressman Jim Jordan and against the socialists in Congress trying to ram their agenda down the throat of every man, woman and child.

And you won't find a bigger fighter than me when it comes to America.

So please chip in whatever you can most afford right away.

I'm fed up with radical Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, AOC, and the Socialist Squad implying that all women share their left-wing agenda that is destructive to our American values and way of life.

We need more Christian conservative Republican women in Congress who won't back down in the face of left-wing attacks and defend our American values and stand with President Trump.

If you agree, I urge you to rush a contribution right away. No matter if it's $1,000 or even $10...every single dollar is so crucial to a grassroots campaign like mine.

With your support, we can win this election, take back Congress, fire Nancy Pelosi, and Keep America Great!

With your support, I will be fighting alongside Jim Jordan and other conservatives, fighting for American values, and defending President Trump.

I hope to hear from you soon!
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Conservative candidate for Congress (GA-14)

P.S. Don't forget to follow me on social media. If you're interested in learning more about my campaign, you can visit


Paid for by Greene for Congress

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