
After millions of Americans have fallen victim to drug cartel violence, deadly drugs, human traffickers, and increased crime, Biden had the gall to blow off the disaster at our southern border in favor of “more important things”…

I could not be more disgusted with how this President has put our lives in danger and wrecked our national security. Biden took an oath to protect and defend our nation, yet instead, he’s empowering drug cartels to expand their operations and prey on more Americans!

There is nothing more important than protecting our country and the lives of our fellow Americans. While Biden continues to endanger more people across our country, we have to fight back!
Since taking office, Biden has ensured our nation was less safe than ever. In a matter of weeks, he had our border overrun with illegal immigrants, and after he cancels Title 42 this month, experts expect a tidal wave of human trafficking!

I will be on the border tomorrow to demand Biden and his Administration stop their destructive acts against our country. With your help, we will not only hold Biden accountable, but we will start to push back the drug cartels, human traffickers, and the deadly drugs they are bringing to America. Will you help me hold Biden accountable?
For a Secure Border,  
Beth Van Duyne