Tulsi Gabbard for President

Jack —

An update from HQ:

The good: We just celebrated our best fundraising quarter of the campaign and were able to fund critical early state ads in NH and SC.

The bad: As a result, donations in January have slowed WAY down. We’re on track to have our worst week in months, right when we need to be kicking into high gear.

The ugly: Trump’s unconstitutional executive actions have brought us to the brink of nuclear war with Iran. We’re all less safe as a result, and trillions more of our taxpayer dollars have been taken away from our people, filling the overflowing war chests of the military industrial complex.

We’re just 34 days out from New Hampshire — where Tulsi is gaining momentum on the ground every day, ready to smash expectations and propel our campaign through to Super Tuesday — and we cannot afford to slow down now.

Tulsi’s unifying voice for peace, for We the People is needed now more than ever. Will you help her turn up the volume by racing $34 to fund our final sprint before early state votes?

Look — we know we're asking you to chip in more than usual. Our scrappy movement of everyday Americans is already showing incredible grassroots generosity and grit in making sure the establishment doesn’t succeed at shutting Tulsi out.

We wouldn’t be asking if we weren’t absolutely certain that all dollars raised over the next 34 days means that Tulsi stands an excellent chance of not just defying all the odds in New Hampshire and beyond — but also in forever changing the conversation about our country’s role in the world and our leaders’ responsibility to We, the People.

These issues have never been more important than they are right now — and we need to do everything in our power to elevate Tulsi’s voice.

Together, we can do big things. We can make our country one we’re proud to leave to our children, and their grandchildren. What do you say?

Let’s do this.