Ground Game Texas

We have bad news and good news, team.

Last month voters across Texas showed up to the polls and passed all FIVE of our initiatives to decriminalize marijuana by overwhelming margins. We have some good news and some bad news on that work:

Here’s the bad news: antidemocratic politicians in TWO cities are trying to reverse the will of voters by blocking our initiatives. These city council members are trying to throw away thousands of votes cast by local residents.

Here’s the good news: we’re fighting back. We’re collecting signatures for a referendum to overturn their efforts to block our initiative. 

We’re fighting to make sure the will of voters is protected. We’ve launched a full campaign to hold a referendum on these antidemocratic actions—but we need your help to make sure it passes. Can you chip in $30, or whatever you can afford, to help us make sure the will of the voters is protected?

>> Help us protect
the will of voters!<<

Team, thanks to donors like you, we were incredibly successful in passing initiatives to decriminalize marijuana in November. But now, antidemocratic politicians are trying to block these initiatives and continue the over-policing and criminalization of marijuana in our communities.

But we’re fighting back. We’ve launched a referendum campaign to make sure our initiative is fully implemented and the will of voters is respected and protected. 

YOU helped us get this far, can you help us make sure your work is protected? Chip in $30, or whatever you can afford, to help us fight back and make sure the will of voters is respected.

Thank you,

Julie Oliver
Executive Director, Ground Game Texas