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Dear friend,


The Big Give closes at midday tomorrow, Tuesday 6 December. Unfortunately, we’re still behind on our target. But if we all chip in we can reach our goal together. Will you help us with one final push to fund our work next year?
I want to support Debt Justice in 2023

Thank you so much for the support you’ve already given. I’ve been bowled over by the messages and donations we’ve received so far.

But we’ve got a small window left to double our impact next year. Anything you donate in the next 24 hours will be matched by the Big Give Christmas Challenge.

✅  Give £10, we'll receive £20  
✅  Give £15, we'll receive £30  
✅  Give £25, we'll receive £50  

Can you help us get over the line?
Yes! I'll donate

As a small charity that punches well above our weight, we rely on the generous support of thousands of people like you across the UK.
We completely understand if you are not able to give now and thank you for everything you do to campaign with us!
All our very best, 
Heidi and the whole team at Debt Justice

Copyright © 2022 Debt Justice, All rights reserved.  You received this email because you signed up for information about Debt Justice (formerly Jubilee Debt Campaign) by email, either via our website, while signing a campaign petition or postcard, or at an event. Our mailing address is: Debt Justice . Oxford House . Derbyshire Street . London, E2 6HG . United Kingdom Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.