News From Congressman Bilirakis
December 4, 2022

Dear Neighbor, 

As we head into the final few weeks of the year, I remain committed to fighting on your behalf.  My colleagues and I will push back on any attempt to sneak in more reckless spending in this lame duck Congress and will begin to lay the foundation for delivering on the promises we've made to the American public, by creating: an economy that is strong, a future the is free, a nation that is safe and a government that is accountable.  I am also personally working to get many high priority legislative matters across the finish line before we recess.  Continue reading for a brief overview of my efforts on your behalf last week!


Protecting our Children and Sensitive Data


ABC Action News has been raising awareness about the startling upward trend of teen suicides and the high number of times social media has played an integral role in the situation.  This  segment features one of my constituents, Ian, who ended his own life while playing Russian Roulette on a social media platform after being exposed to similar videos due to the company’s algorithms.  




McKenna, another constituent, who sadly died by suicide is highlighted in this segment




Both of these tragic stories highlight the urgent need for Congress to require social media companies to do more to protect young users from the dangers of cyberbullying, life-threatening trends, and other harmful activity. I applaud their families for having the courage to fight for change so that other families will not experience the same tragedy they’ve endured.  Also, I appreciate ABC Action News for shining a light on this important topic.  I'm working on bipartisan, bicameral legislation to achieve this goal and I am optimistic we can get it passed before the end of the year.  


Additionally, this story outlines how Florida is one of several states to secure a historic settlement against Google for leaking users’ private location data without consent.  This disturbing breach is only one reason we need to pass a federal privacy bill that will strengthen privacy protections for all Americans.  The bill has broad bipartisan support in the House and Senate.  We can work together to get this done before the end of the year!


Addressing the Border Crisis


New figures show that during October of 2022 we had far more migrants illegally enter the country than ever before - a total of 230,678.  When I was at the border earlier this month, I saw first-hand that our hard-working Border Patrol Agents are simply overwhelmed due to the unmanageable influx.   We must fight to secure our southern border and address this historic crisis caused by Joe Biden’s open-border agenda.

We must also remember that fentanyl poisoning is the leading cause of death among young adults. A record 14,000 pounds of this deadly drug have been seized this year alone. We must secure our southern border & permanently criminalize illicit fentanyl and its analogues. The HALT Act, which I've cosponsored, will help to achieve that important goal! 



Grappling with Crushing Energy Costs


Americans are expected to pay an average of $1,359 in energy costs this winter- the highest national average increase in 25 years.  My colleagues and I are committed to fighting back against President Biden’s war on American energy and pushing to unleash domestic energy production! 


Diesel reserves are also at the lowest they’ve been in 70 years as we head into winter.  Diesel is a workhorse of the American economy, helping power most major industries.  Also, nearly 1 in 5 homes in the northeast use diesel for heating oil.  We must work to increase the production and access to clean, reliable, American-made energy. 


Supporting those Struggling with Addiction


My team was proud to participate in Pasco’s NOPE Candlelight Vigil to support families who have lost a loved one to overdose and to renew our commitment to creating a community that offers quality treatment and support to those battling addiction. 


 Fighting for Seniors


Did you know that scheduled Medicare reimbursement cuts could compromise access to many of the clinical laboratory tests used to diagnose, monitor, and manage autoimmune diseases for America’s seniors?  That’s why I’m leading the charge to pass SALSA, critical legislation to protect patient access to these vital tests. 


Raising Awareness


There are an estimated 24.9 million victims of human trafficking worldwide.  We can all play a part in recognizing the signs and symptoms of this horrific crime so we can help end this plague on our society.  

Also, my team was honored to attend this year’s Dining in the Dark event for our local Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired.  What a tremendous way to raise awareness about the challenges those with visual impairments and blindness face while supporting a good cause! 

Helping those in Need


I’m proud to partner with the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, Farm Share, and other sponsors to provide free food to those in need.  




I’m also proud to partner with the Pasco County Tax Collector and other sponsors to provide free food to those in need.  


Constituent Corner


My office recently received the following message from a constituent who had been stranded with her husband in Hawaii because the local VA hospital did not have a bed for him.  The husband is a Veteran and an ALS patient who needed to be hospitalized while on vacation to Hawaii.   


Less than 24 hours ago, I felt defeated by my efforts to get my husband home. However, your quick response and action steps to contact the Director's office helped secure Matt's bed. My contacts here in Honolulu are currently working on our flight home, and if all goes as planned, we should depart on Saturday. Your assistance to help to resolve this issue has meant so much to my family. I am thankful that he can get the care he needs through the VA and that we will be reunited as a family, especially during the time of Thanksgiving.

This is just one example of the work we do each day. Constituent services are a critical element of our congressional office. The federal government is a massive operation, and my office is available if you ever need assistance in navigating the bureaucracy or cutting through red tape. We are here to serve you!  



Gus Bilirakis
Member of Congress

Rep. Gus Bilirakis | 2354 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515