Take Action Now! “War On Woman Bill” Filed By Texas House Member, Wants To Erase “Woman,” Replace With “Pregnant Individual” 

This week, Texas House member James Talarico (D-Austin) filed two egregiously pro-abortion bills for the upcoming 88th Legislative Session. Known as the most radical member of the Texas House, Representative Talarico authored a bill that would repeal all Texas pro-life laws and would delete the word “woman” from certain parts of state law, replacing it with the word “pregnant individual”.  Yes, a Texas House member wants to redefine who can get pregnant and erase women from state law on this issue.

The bill is HB 819 and would effectively repeal the Human Life Protection Act that returned Texas to its pre-Roe statutes. The bill also specifically repeals the ability to receive remedies provided by the Texas Heartbeat Law.

Rep. Talarico also filed yesterday a house resolution, HJR 56, that would amend the Texas Constitution so that it would prohibit the Texas Legislature from passing any future pro-life laws. The constitutional amendment would have to be voted on in the November 7, 2023 election. On social media, Talarico praised the states who recently voted against constitutional amendments to protect life in November.

These two radical initiatives proposed by Rep. Talarico that would promote abortion and erase “woman” from our laws is just another reason why the Texas Values team will be at the Texas Capitol every day of the Texas legislative session, to fight bad laws being presented in the Texas legislature. We must work to protect the progress we have made on making Texas a pro-life state and continue to fight attempts to promote the dangerous gender ideology by erasing biological sex.

But we need your help now. See below how you can send an email or phone call to you Texas House member, and also how you support our work with a timely donation.

            Contact your Texas House member today to let him or her know that you do not want to see bills that erase “woman” in the Texas legislature. Let your representative know that you do not want these types of bills, that promote gender ideology and are against pro-life laws, to receive hearings or get a chance for a floor vote. You can contact your representative by finding who represents you here: https://wrm.capitol.texas.gov/home or by clicking the "TAKE ACTION HERE" button below:


Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values, All rights reserved.



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