Dear John,

We are witnessing the collapse of the Republican Party. The Republican Party of Wisconsin and their Trump loyalist boss just reported that it plans to keep all candidates off their ballot except their dear leader.

They join the more than a dozen states where new state Party bosses have either cancelled their elections outright or placed incredible hurdles in the way of any other Republican candidates. The Republican elite have abandoned their principles of conservatism and competition in favor of mafia-style politicking.

They can act like the Mafia but I am still very much in this race so I need your help! To fight against the Trump thugs takes money. Won’t you help me by donating the maximum you can?

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In Wisconsin they’ll let us on their ballot, but only if we are willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars last-minute to hopefully collect thousands of signatures in just a few weeks. They don’t care that they are robbing Republican voters from having a say in their nominee. They don’t care that they are making it impossible for a lifelong Republican to run a legitimate campaign.

This is nothing more than collusion and corruption, the touchstone of the Trump Era Republican Party. If we don’t act now, right now, the GOP will be nothing but a hollow, rotting carcass devoid of values. Trump is a cancer destroying the country, and the Party. You don’t wait out cancer. You pour everything you have into fighting it, into eradicating it, into surviving beyond the disease. If we want anything left to save, we have to do it now. Are you ready to join me in fighting this cancer?

I am the fighter we need right now, in this moment and I need your help to keep fighting in Iowa! Help me to stay strong and bring Donald Trump and his cronies down by contributing to my campaign. $25, $50, $100, $250 or even the maximum contribution of $2,800 will help me fight off these attacks and stay in the race.


As always, I thank you for your support and for continuing to Be Brave!


P.S. If you think this is a strong analogy, just remember that Trump himself has joked about running for more than the two legal terms. If he wins re-election, what will the Republican Party do for him in 2024? How far will the Trump cancer have spread by then? The Party will cease to be defenders of the Constitution. Don’t let this happen — donate to my campaign today! Thank you.


Thank you so much for being brave and standing up for the future of our country! We know we send a lot of emails — it's because this movement is powered by grassroots supporters like you and it's so important that we work together to defeat Donald Trump. But we still understand if you'd prefer not to recieve them anymore.

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