Dear friend of OpenSecrets,

We are falling behind where we hoped to be this Giving Tuesday, but I'm still optimistic we can hit our goal.

So far, we have received donations from 25 readers when our goal is to reach 100 gifts by midnight.

At this time last year, twice the number of people gave than have done so today.

I know not everyone can give all the time, and if that is the case then I thank you for understanding we need to ask on these important fundraising days.

If you are able, please give on Giving Tuesday, have your donation matched, and know that you are giving to a one-of-a-kind, pro-democracy and transparency nonprofit.

It’s true that traffic to OpenSecrets goes down right after an election. But now is the time for us to be speeding up, not slowing down. 

There’s an entire cycle worth of data to analyze. We are already looking into how each party spent their money, and how spending in tight elections affected the outcomes. 

And it’s not just the amount of money being spent that matters. How, and to what extent, money influences public policy takes place outside of election cycles.

Corporate interests and mega donors who spent millions are working to have their voice heard
and their interests looked after by newly elected officials. We need to shine a light on this type of relationship, and what it means for the health of our democracy. 

Less than one-tenth of one percent of people who use will make a donation.

We reject the for-profit model because these resources are urgently needed to keep political money in the public eye.

That means that we rely on users to understand the value of the work and the importance of having an independent watchdog on money in politics.

We can’t preserve and grow this unique public resource, or cover enough ground to expose money’s undue influence, without your help.

Be one of 100 people who choose this Giving Tuesday to support OpenSecrets' mission and research.

With gratitude,

Sheila Krumholz
Executive Director

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