Can you rush a gift before midnight to unlock a major contribution?

Friend —

Earlier today, we shared the news that a major donor set up a $100,000 challenge grant — but we ONLY get it if 500 grassroots donors pitch in before midnight.

There's only hours left for us to reach this goal — and right now we're not on track to meet it. According to our records, you haven't pitched in yet, Friend — so we're asking:

Can you help us out? Even just $5 will make a difference >>

Your support can go even further when you give monthly: if you begin a monthly donation — even if it's as little as $5 — we get to count it 12 times. If everyone reading this right now pitched in just $5, we'd blow through the goal before Giving Tuesday ends at midnight.


Please confirm your status

Name: Friend Friend
Email: [email protected]
Goal: 500 donations by midnight TONIGHT
Progress: 46% to goal
Giving Tuesday Status: STILL PENDING — DONATE TODAY >>

The climate and environmental justice progress that LCV and our partners have been able to secure thus far is because of your continued investment in our work.

Thank you, Friend. See our note from earlier below.

LCV Membership Team

Giving Tuesday $100,000 Match Challenge - Donate for the Planet

Dear Friend,

Last week, we shared the news that if we can secure 500 donors by midnight this Giving Tuesday (tonight!) — we'll secure a $100,000 match grant from a major donor.

That's a huge goal. But there's a bit of a loophole: if you begin a monthly donation — even if it's as little as $5 — we get to count it 12 times.

This $100,000 grant is not an opportunity we can miss out on. Please make your Giving Tuesday contribution to LCV today — we cannot afford to come up short >>

Friend — we know that when the environmental movement turns out, we win. We saw it with the Green Wave during these midterms — and now we need to translate that election victory into BIG wins for the environment.

Here are just a few reasons why your Giving Tuesday gift is EXTRA important right now, Friend:
  1. Right now, we're urging President Biden to take decisive executive action on climate change. With a strong mandate after this election, Biden has the power to declare a climate emergency to unlock federal funding to address the climate crisis, support clean energy solutions, and advance environmental justice. But that's ONLY going to happen if the environmental movement campaigns for it NOW.
  2. We have to stop the Willow Project, and we have to stop it NOW. If this massive drilling project is allowed to move forward in Alaska and across the country, it would be the largest oil extraction project on federal land — equivalent to one year of carbon emissions from 76 coal plants. We're working with partners in Alaska to help stop this project before it begins — but how far we can go is going to come down to support from members like you.
  3. We stand for environmental justice. With the growing threats of climate change and voter suppression, we stand up against the environmental issues that impact us all by making our voices heard by policymakers and encouraging a healthier, more sustainable future with critical investments in renewable energy, cleaner transportation, and air quality monitoring in vulnerable communities.
Bottom line, meeting our Giving Tuesday goal matters, Friend. I hope you’ll pitch in: Our match unlock goal is 500 donors, but it ends at midnight tonight >>
Giving Tuesday 2022: 500 donors to unlock $100,000 gift

Remember, if you begin a monthly donation today, we get to count it 12 times toward our 500 donor goal.

Thank you for your continued support in the fight against climate change.


Gene Karpinski
League of Conservation Voters
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