Dear John,
Thank you to all the generous donors who donated to the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation today, on #GivingTuesday. You are making a difference for many and we are humbled by your support.

But the day is not over yet! If you haven't had a chance to give a special gift today, it's not too late! You have until midnight to make your donation count towards our $10,000 match.

Our goal is to raise funding for upcoming research studies on brain health and prevention. If we can raise this, it will be a milestone for our science community. John, can we count on you for support?

We have accomplished so much together over the last year– let's close out #GivingTuesday with open hearts and vibrant minds.

Thank you so much.

Yours in Brain Health,

Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
President / Medical Director

Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF)

Prevention Editor, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease  
Thank you for participating in #GivingTuesday!
P.S. If you prefer to give a gift of stocks, securities, or Required Minimum Distribution, simply reply to this email and we will contact you. Thank you.