Help us meet our goal

Dear Friend, 


DC Jobs With Justice is a community of like-minded people fighting for change in the Nation's Capitol. Without your support - joining us in the streets, collaborating on projects, sharing our messages, and investing in our movement - none of our work would be possible. 


Every day, the attacks on working people grow. However, as we have seen throughout 2022, working people are rising up! DC JWJ is your organization at the intersection of these two needs. When corporate greed threatens workers, we fight back. And when workers stand up, we support them.  We go far beyond the traditional labor movement. You have joined us this year in our campaigns in solidarity with  excluded workers, street vendors, domestic workers, and tenants along with bus drivers, teachers, cafeteria workers and more. 


We are only 6 days away from the I’ll Be There Awards, so we are combining our 2022 Giving Tuesday and our last push to get our community together at the I’ll Be There Awards.


Our goal for today is for 50 people to buy tickets to the I’ll Be There Awards!


Donations from individuals like you allow us to be flexible and support movements for justice across DC. That means, when AU staff went on strike, we were there. When street vendors testified to decriminalize their work, we were there. When bosses refused to bargain, we were there.


DC JWJ is fighting for dignified work and powerful community organizations in every ward of Washington, DC. We believe that whether you work in an office, in a school, in a home, on a construction site, or in a restaurant you deserve fair wages and dignity at work. We fight for that every single day. 


Your support makes DC JWJ the strong, flexible organization you rely on to show up for the DC community every day. 


Give today and join the fun on Monday!


Elizabeth Falcon
Executive Director

DC Jobs With Justice
