On Giving Tuesday, help us make 2023 a banner year for clean water
We can’t say for sure what 2023 will bring for Florida’s fragile waterways.

But today on Giving Tuesday, you can help shape the future.

As a 501c4, VoteWater can do more, punch harder and dig deeper than many other environmental groups. By donating to VoteWater today, at VoteWater.org/donate, you can fuel our efforts to hold elected officials accountable, to dig into their campaign finances and find out which politicians have been bought off by Big Sugar and other special interests.

In 2022 your generosity powered our biennial voter guides. It fueled our “No Big Sugar” campaign, which seeks to curtail the industry’s political influence.

With your support, we published hard-hitting weekly newsletters on key issues; and VoteWater became a reliable source for media stories on clean water, cited in Politico, Mother Jones, Florida Sportsman, Florida Politics, E&E News, Florida Phoenix, The Palm Beach Post, TCPalm, WPTV, WQCS-NPR and more.

But with red tide off Florida’s west coast, harmful Lake Okeechobee discharges looming and myriad other challenges ahead, we need to step up our game.

Your generosity on Giving Tuesday can help. Let’s turn the toxic tide together, and make 2023 a banner year for clean water — and Florida’s future.