Kia ora Friend 

REMINDER!! We are calling an important wānanga and hui on 2-3 August 2019 hosted by the Waiariki electorate in Rotorua

As a result of the campaign krero, we held a zoom hui on 3 July and can confirm that we will be having a National Wnanga to confirm our campaign strategy followed by our bimonthly National Council meeting.

Depending on when the election is called, we have up to 13-17 months before the election and being clear on which electorates will have candidates is essential to our upcoming campaign and our long- term strategy Te Ara Whroa 2035.

We know that the Hkoi to Wellington and the National Wnanga are very close to each other, so we are asking that Electorate help members that wish to attend both if you are able. For any queries, contact Matariki Cribb-Fox otherwise we look forward to seeing you there.

The wnanga will be held at Tangatarua Marae, Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, Mokoia Dr, Tihiotonga, Rotorua 3015.

The programme is as follows:

Friday 2 August - Wānanga

5:00pm Whakaeke followed by kai
6:00pm W
nanga starts and will go into the night

Saturday 3 August

7:30am Parakuihi
9:00am National Council hui


Karakia and Roll Call

Financial Update

Fundraising Update

Policy Update

Candidate Selection

Constitution Amendments

Electorate Updates

General Business


12:00pm ~ Kai o te r

Ohu mahi (action groups workshop)
1:00pm ~ This will only be required if this isn’t completed the night before and during the National Council Hui

3:00pm ~ Cuppa - kua mutu

For catering purposes, please ensure you register by filling out this form

§ Click here

§ Or copy and paste this link into your browser

§ Or email [email protected]

Registration will be $30 per person to cover all costs. This can be paid on the day or in advance. If you are not able to pay registration then electorates are able to support you with this.
Those attending the p
whiri on Friday, a koha will also be gathered and a suggested amount is $5. As with other National Council Hui, there is no expectation to give koha as the registration fee covers costs, he whakaaro noa.

Nāku iti, nā

Che Wilson
Māori Party President

Authorised by Matariki Cribb-Fox, Bell Street, Whanganui

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